CHAPTER 1: Page 2

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"That's me. Talal."

"Huh?" Elle said removing her hand from below her chin. She had zoned out while listening to the old taxi driver's stories, getting lost in her own thoughts.

"The king. Talal."

"Oh. That's where your name came from. I guessed as much when the school told it to me, it seems like the names of former kings are popular in Jordan." said Elle; the kind principal at her language school had arranged for Talal to be her transportation earlier that day after she mentioned her plans to attend the festival.

Talal was a retired security officer who now moonlighted as a taxi driver to students and teachers at the school, especially on the evenings the classes ran later than usual. After losing his wife to cancer three years prior, the school decided hiring Talal as a taxi driver kept him busy and social. Talal and his wife, the school's previous principal, had no children so with her death the teaching staff ensured Talal knew he was still welcomed there.

"Well I'm Elle. It's really nice to meet you Talal, I'm grateful to have such a nice driver especially with this is being my first time going out so late" Elle said smiling politely at the old man. She really was happy to have him as her driver, using public transportation was the least enjoyable part of her day so the sweet old man was like a cold drink of water on a hundred degree day.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Elle. You see movie at this festival?"

"I'm hoping to. I saw a trailer for one that looks really good. It's about a young refugee boy trying to navigate his new life in Jordan. I expect to be in tears by the end of it."

"Sounds like my youth.." Talal said, his voice trailing off. It was not lost on Elle the turbulent history Jordan has had over the decades and the courage and strength of its people to overcome it. Her heart broke a bit as she envisioned a young Talal trying to overcome countless struggles to get to the seemingly comfortable life he now has.

"Why don't you come to the festival with me? You don't need to watch the same movie that I watch, there are two other options I believe. I'm sure we can find you one you'll enjoy."

"I don't think so Ms. Elle." Talal said pursing his lips. Elle wondered if she had offended the old man with her gesture. She was not as well versed on Jordanian culture and customs as she wished so she knew she had to thread lightly when it came to invitations given to members of the opposite sex, no matter how innocent it may be.

"Okay, no movie. Well at least let me give you some money for dinner. I would hate for you to sit alone in the car for the next four hours while waiting for me to call you to take me home." Elle said, deciding against pushing the initial invitation.

"No Ms. Elle. I have plans. You go to festival. You call me when you ready to go home." Talal said politely as the lights of the festival colored the interior of the car.

Pulling up to her destination, Elle felt a sting of disappointment when realizing how empty it all looked. "I could have sworn the festival was today" she said to Talal, looking out her passenger window.

"Yes, yes. Festival is here. Early was big but it is late."

"Gosh, I hope they are still showing the movies." Elle said with a disappointed look on her face. Talal's smile disappeared after noticing Elle's frown; he studied Elle's face for a few seconds, trying to read her expression and hoping he could see a glimmer of hope in her eyes. For the short time that he has known her, he could tell Elle lived life erring on the side of caution and that the choice to attend tonight's festival was a big step for the friendly yet introverted girl. Talal wanted to comfort her, however he was not confident enough to attempt putting his thoughts into English. "كل شيء سيكون بخير"

Elle knew enough Arabic to know what Talal meant and somehow him reassuring her that everything will be alright gave her the courage to go through with her night's plans. Still looking out her passenger window, she took a deep breath and fastened her bag to her shoulder. She did not have the courage to pick her jacket up just yet.

Talal sensed that Elle needed one final push of courage to make it out the car, so with a sharp inhale he got out to open her door for her. "Do not worry Ms. Elle, festival is still on" Talal said as Elle slowly slid from her seat, "call me anytime and I will be here. My word you have." He said, ensuring he looked her in the eyes as he said it. Talal felt the urge to protect the young lady and he wanted her to know it.

What You Wish For: A Jordan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now