Chapter One

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AN: There will be a single new character in this book, the critic, his name will be dice, and he is remys brother.

Remy watched as comments rolled in on his newest Instagram post, people wishing him luck, people hoping he will get better, and bots advertising some weird things in their private accounts.

His right arm was still in a cast, and he had to not move too much to not upset the heeling bones in his chest, his concussion left about a week ago however.

He was getting amazing help from Patton, and after a long talk, his new boyfriend Janus. Janus was able to stay longer since where he works is his own business, he simply allowed his assistant manager to open and close for him.

Remy was also getting tons of texts from the Discord chat. Most about how Remus and Romans musical was going, the two decided to join forces and write their very own musical about two princes fighting for the love of a fair maiden, however the supposed maiden isnt shown until the end to reveal they are a guy.

Remy managed to convince Patton to bring his camera and other recording equipment up to the hospital as long as he didnt sing anything, because it may hurt his ribs.

Remy smiled at a text from Roman who said they finally finished the second song to the musical before looking up as his door opened, he expected a nurse again since it was nearly two in the morning, but instead it was Janus with a bag of mcdonald's in his grasp.

"How did you get that in?" Remy asks as soon as Janus closes the door with his foot.

"I have my ways." Janus says before setting down the food and scooting the uncomfortable and bulky chair near Remy's bed.

Remy smiles softly, practially swooning over his boyfriend before a soft surprise kiss was placed onto his lips making him make a small noise of happiness and kiss back just as softly. Way to soon for his liking, however, Janus pulled away and sat down in the chair before pulling out a box of 20 chicken nuggets with many sauces for them to choose out of.

"Aww you know me so well." Remy says with a smile before grabbing a nugget and dipping it in honey barbecue. Janus was more of a spicy mustard person himself.

Soon the pair finished their late night snack and Remy emphasized it with a yawn.

"Right, I should probably let you sleep-" Janus says immediately, standing up.

"Wait- um,, will you stay with me? Until I sleep at least?" Remy asks, he never will grow out of his fear of hospitals.

"Of course." Janus says before carefully climbing into the hospital bed with Remy and letting the other adjust himself so hes snuggling into the tallers chest.

Janus traced small patterns onto the back of the shorters hand until he falls asleep, carefully Janus moves to turn the lights off before practically pulling the sleeping form ontop of him and falling asleep himself.

AN: aww fluff

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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