Chapter 4

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I blinked, then a slow smile spread across my lips. He had to be insane. I didn't even realise that I was laughing until he frowned at me and said;
"Why are you laughing?"

I shook my head, "Wow, okay. So, is this something you do when new students come or am I just special?" I asked, my laughter dying. 

"I'm being serious," Garret said, definitely in a serious voice, "I can prove it to you if you want,"

"Sure, Garret," I rolled my eyes, "Turn into a wolf,"

"Okay," he said, but it didn't sound like him. 

His voice was dark, so were his eyes, pitch black in fact. He stepped away from the bed and into the middle of the bedroom. I blinked and when I looked at him again, a tall, grey and white wolf stood in his place. I blinked a few more times before a small part of me accepted it. 
The wolf- Garret, I guess, slowly crept forwards until he was standing in front of me. Even when he was a wolf, he was still taller than me. 

"Huh," I muttered, poking his front leg, "Okay,"

I then stepped back and strode from the room, closing the door behind me. I remembered the way from the room to the basement and walked down the stairs, turned a few corners, then I was standing at the basement door. I looked to my left and saw a closed door with a glass middle, sunlight was streaming through. 

My way out, I thought. I pulled open the door and was greeted by a green, lively forest. Also a bunch of cars parked in a gravel car park. I walked over to the nearest car and yanked on the handle. It opened. I guess since they lived in a forest no one would steal cars. I hopped in and worked on hot-wiring the car. 

It rumbled to life and without thinking I floored the gas and was speeding out of the car park and down a long, long road.  




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