Chapter 3

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Dylan bowed his back quite a bit,till his face was only few inches away from Louis's.
He was smiling at Louis,something that was very wierd.Dylan wasn't the kind of person that smiled to just anybody.
But the fact that he was smiling at Louis,one of his victims at bullying,was more then strange.It just didn't add up.

,Dylan said in a sweet seductive voice.

Puppy?Dylan had just called the school's biggest nerd puppy?

The group of friends that had followed Dylan couldn't believe their ears.
Neither could Louis believe his.

He was never called puppy before.
Not by anyone,not even his family.
Yet his Senior did!
But the most surprising part was yet to come.The taller male didn't only reffer to Louis as puppy but he also patted his back softly and put his arm around his shoulder.
Louis was still frozen and didn't react for almost 5 minutes.He was just stiffly standing there,not moving at all,as if he was a statue.
Dylan amused by the younger boys reaction leaned closer to the other male.

"Why is he so nice right now?I really thought he would push me into my locker...",Louis thought still in shock.

It truly didn't add up.Dylan being this friendly towards anyone was just to shocking.He wasn't acting this close even with his friends!
Something had to be behind this!That's what Louis thought.
Dylan probably just wanted something from him.Money maybe?Or he could've 'forgotten' his homework and wanted Louis's now.In the end there were many explanations about his behaviour.And he was right!
Dylan truly had something in mind when he approached his junior.

"Listen here,I have a favor to ask from you..I-",Dylan said but Louis didn't let him finish.

"I'll already give you my answer.It's NO as always!",Louis continued saying loud and clear so everybody in the hallway could hear it.

Dylan let go of Louis's shoulder and retreated back a few steps.
He still hadn't taken of his eyes of the blonde boy and was looking at him as if he was trying to find something.
Louis felt very uncomfortable as he was just being checked out by Dylan from top to bottom.
He felt as if the taller male was trying to figure out were his weakness was in order to hit a blow there first.
The longer the other one stared the more uncomfortable Louis felt.
Louis looked away for a second to take a deep breath and turned to look at Dylan again.

But before Louis could even react,Dylan had grabbed him from the armpits,holding him up in the air!

Being held up,Louis could see the other boys face very well and envied him for his beatiful features.

Dylan was truly very pretty.
He had big brown coloured,sharp almond eyes and thick dark eyelashes.His eyebrows were dark and "S" shaped wich only made him look more mysterious and attractive.
He also had midth long black hair that was cut shorter at the back of his head.
But as attractive Dylan may was,he still had a horrible personality.

That said,as cute as the moment Dylan was holding Louis in the air may looked like,it took turns real quick.
Because Dylan,without any hesistation,shoved the boy he had been holding into his locker!

Louis was now locked inside of his main bully's locker,where it was cramped and suffocating.He could hardly move in there.Heck,he couldn't even move at all!
Knowing that calling for help would only make things worse for him he remained silent.

Dylan was now angry with the other boy."Listen shitty nerd!My book for todays first class is there in my locker with you!Since I need a book I'll be borrowing yours!"

Sadly for Louis,his locker was still wide open for everybody to see and have access to the things inside.
Dylan didn't loose the chance and took out Louis's bag.

"Hey!Wait!You said you only needed one book!Why are you taking my whole bag with you!?",Louis shouted.

Louis's words were almost swalloed by the bronze door that was seperating him from the bullies.
Even tho his words sounded damp and unclear to Dylan's friends,Dylan himself understood what the other boy had said.

Dylan smiled."Don't worry I'll return it!",he said in a calm voice.

"Probably!",he then added.

As Louis was hearing the footsteps of the group getting softer as they were walking to their classes,he could only sink in despair thinking of how this year wouldn't be any different then last year.

Would he truly survive another semester of hardcore bullying without losing his sanity?

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