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Beyond immemorial, humans have always wondered about the meaning of life. Of all places far and wide in this world, the search for the ultimate answer has given rise to a diversity of philosophical teachings and enchanting legends over generations.

The Tale of The Red String of Fate...

According to legend, everyone's little finger is tied to an invisible red string that will lead him or her with whom they are destined to find in life. Originated within Chinese folklore, the legend has spread throughout East Asia and has become one of the most romantic and blissful tales in history. The red string connects to an important channel within the embodiment of a soul – the one that connects the little finger to the heart. This channel makes a person's least notable finger a true representative of your heart. Throughout many cultures, these are the reasons why when two people make a truce or vow, they will cross their pinkies.

Two souls who are connected by the red string are bound together by Fate and Destiny. Sooner or later they are forever destined to meet, no matter how far they seem or how different the circumstances of their lives are. When they finally meet – that encounter is certain to immensely affect them both. The strings can certainly stretch or become tangled, which can postpone the encounter to a great extent. However, the ties will never be broken.

The Red String...

Throughout adolescence, the tale was often talked about within different groups and was especially a rather popular subject between other females. Having a soulmate would seem like such a dream. Someone who you can relate to. Someone who you can feel comfortable with. Someone you can share a life with. Someone... you can love more than yourself.

Some believe that such a legend exists, while some do not. Some are sometimes in between belief and rotten judgement... that is where I stand. Besides the belief in the power of Fate and Destiny, pieces of thread with the ability to bound two souls together are hard to come by.

Some people out in the world do manage to dedicate their whole lives trying to find their significant other, even starting as early as kids; those who could 'possibly' be held on the other side of the invisible string. Other's just ignore it and wait until adulthood... or do not care about such things.

Now, with my personal belief on the Red String of Fate over time became a mere myth. But at that one moment in my life many years ago, it felt as if something had called out and led me to the answer to that one simple question... what is the meaning of life? If only for a moment... did it seem so real.

Fate is leading me down different paths to take to find my answer. Does the other side lead me to the end of my legendary string? The red string that people go on and on about, is it real... or am I finally going insane with belief in the power of Fate and Destiny?

This is their final judgement.

"I will find my answer... no matter what."

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