Chapter IX

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Bree had a surprise for Conner. She was going to be there when the results were posted. She hadn't told Conner, but one of the reasons she had been so stressed was because she had been one of the judges for the selection process. She hadn't judged his book, but she had gotten to see the scores and knew that his book had made it. In fact, he was number one of the list from all the judges.

Bree waited to get her normal text from Conner that told her that he was leaving for the conference before hopping in her car and going there 10 minutes later. All the judges were supposed to be there anyway, but she told herself she was doing it for Conner, and Conner only. Even if she didn't know the real results, she would've known he had gotten accepted. His work was that good.

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Bree made it to the conference just in time for scoring. She snuck in through the back door and watched from the side.

"Mr. Darcy and his book The Tale of Rabbits. Ms. Linnity and her book Love Through Perils. Alequ and their book Munching On Sunshine." Lucy continued on with names for a while, the press was able to accept a lot more books than last year.

Bree waited, unconsciously shifting closer and closer to Conner in the room. Finally, Lucy called his name. Conner leapt up out of his seat in glee. Bree rushed over to him and gave him a hug.

"Bree? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I came here to see you get published." she said, knowing she would explain the whole thing later. After Lucy had moved on, Conner sat down and Bree pulled up a chair. As she looked around the room at all the other happy faces, she noticed a young girl, around her age, staring at Conner.

Bree automatically knew this girl liked Conner. The way she stodd, the way she held herself, just the way she was told Bree. Or, Bree was just so good at reading people, she didn't know. All she knew was that this girl was now heart-broken to know that Conner had a girlfriend.

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Bree walked over to Bella and held out her hand.

"I'm Bree, it's nice to meet you. Conner's told me about you." She said and Bella reluctantly took her hand and lightly shook it. She flushed at the mention of Conner.

"Oh, well, it's nice to know he knows who I am," she said shyly. "I didn't know if he did..,"

"Oh, he knows," Bree said. "And I know too, because of him."

"Oh," Bella repeated and looked down. "I didn't know he had a girlfriend."

"That's fine," Bree said calmly, she wasn't mad at the girl, she was actually slightly amused. She realized just how great her boyfriend was for another girl already to provide a distraction. "I did want to invite you to something, though."

The girl looked up with a hint of a smile playing her lips. "What's that?"

"My friend's having a party at his house for all the staff and participants of the conference and I can give you the address, if you're interested."

The girl straightened up fully, She loved parties. "Yes, please," she said with a giddy smile.

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