Chapter One- Just make it stop...

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Waves crashed into the jagged rocks at the bottom of the cliff. At the top, a lone figure, a young woman, stands too close to the edge for comfort...

But for her, all the comfort she needed were just two steps away.

Bruises and cuts mar her pale skin, her long brown hair is tangled, and her green eyes are red and swollen with tears...

'Why am I still here? What was the purpose of my creation? Why did God let me live if He is supposed to be the most loving being in existance? Or does He just hate me? If He even exists...'

Sniffling, she took another step.

'Well, just one more step, and none of that will matter...'

"Goodbye world... Hope you all rot..." She croaked.

Pushing herself forward, she started to fall. Feeling the cold wind rush past her, screaming in her ears, she smiled.

In a matter of seconds, she would be free. No more drunken step-father, no more abusive mother, no more bullying, and no more loneliness.

However, as she fell, she crashed into a hard metal something head first, instantly knocking her out...

LJfangrl: Been on a massive Superjail kick recently. Don't worry. I'll update my other stories soon. :3

Plus, short first chap, I know... Next one will be much longer. I promise! :D

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