Chapter Two- An intersting turn of events

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Jailbot was startled a bit when a falling object crashed into him in his pursuit of Jacknife.

It continued falling until a robotic appendage snatched out and grabbed it, even as he continued chasing the escaped convict. Who was currently in a speedboat with some stolen loot.

Until another of Jailbot's clawed tentacle-like arms grabbed about the neck, leaving the boat to crash into the rocks and burst into flame...

Heading his way back home, Jailbot studied the other passenger. It was a human girl. She was out cold, and apparently Jacknife had noticed her as well, since he tried to grab her chest. But that was before the robot held the girl at an angle out of his reach, causing the crook to growl and mutter incoherently in anger.

As soon as Superjail came into view, Jailbot flew to the Warden's office, busting the glass with Jacknife.

"Ah! Jailbot! Seems like you caught yet another convict! Well done!"

A man in a purple suit with a matching top hat and yellow undershirt stood inspecting the now bleeding criminal.

The Warden was smiling, his gap in his teeth ever so prominent.

Which made Jailbot happy. Anything to please his creator!

"Uh, sir? It appears Jailbot has an extra with him..."

The short balding man in a brown suit was sweating profusely...

"Well Jared, it appears your right!"

Studying the unconcious female, the Warden looked a bit miffed.

"Jailbot, you know we don't accept female inmates! That's her job after all..." He said irritably at the mention of the Mistress.

Jailbot's pixelated face turned into a frown.

With a series of beeps and other sounds of the sort, Jailbot tried to explain the situation.

Surprisingly, the Warden could understand it.

"So she fell out of the air and crashed into you?"

Jailbot's monitor showed a flashing pixelated check mark.

"I see."

"Sir, her arms are cut up and she has several large bruises. Not to mention a swollen bump on her head."

"Take her to the infirmary Jailbot. And get that criminal out of here! He's bleeding on my office carpet! Jared, see what you can find out about this girl!"

"Yes sir!"

Both ran off to do his bidding instantly. The Warden sat back in his desk chair, curious as to the new guest.

LJfangrl: I just wanted to go ahead and write chapter two. Y'know. For shits and giggles. I believe so far I have those introduced so far in character. If not, well...

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