Chapter Three- A new identity

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A few hours later, after the Doctor had patched the young girl up, under supervision of course, she lay in a bed, asleep.

The Doc had told the Warden she would awake in a hour or so, thus the Warden assigned Alice to notify him the moment her eyes opened.

"What bullshit... She better not try to steal my man..." Alice said, referring to her newest 'boyfriend'.

Alice stared at the brunette through her pink cat-eye glasses.

Secretly, she wanted to see if the young woman would be her friend. It was dull being the only 'woman' around here.

The Warden seemed also impatient. More so than Alice actually...

Speak of the devil as he came barging through the infirmary door, an irritated look on his face.

"Is she not awake yet?! Jeez! How much sleep does one person need?!"

"Sir, she needs it to recover properly." Jared said as the short man followed in after the Warden.

"I don't care! It's bad enough that you can't find any record of this girl Jared! I want to know who the hell she is!"

Between the Warden's yelling, Jared's constant stammering, and Alice complete lack of caring  no one noticed the young girl open her eyes and slowly sit up.

Not really knowing what to do, she watched the argument with blatant curiosity.

When the Warden started to transform his body into various objects to get his point across, her eyes widened. She found it funny for some reason, and giggled.

Startled at the sound, the Warden turned back to his normal self and looked into the girl's joyous green eyes.

They were glowing with laughter as she stared at him.

"Ah! Your awake! About damn time!"

She continued to stare, confused. Was he talking to her?

"Welcome to Superjail! I am the Warden. And you are?"

"...W-war...duhn?" She said with a perplexed look.

He became a bit nervous at the intensity of her green eyes. They seemed... Blank.

"No. That's my name. What is yours?"

She smiled and started to study the other two people in the room. However, they didn't hold her interest as much as the man in purple.

The man in question grew irritated.

"Is this some sort of stupid joke?! What is your name girl?!"

"I don't know... Hey... Your purple!" She said it as if it were the most shocking thing in the world.

He chuckled a bit. She sounded so serious when she said that.

"You don't know your name?" Asked Jared.

Looking at him, she said, "Nope! Your boring..."

Jared seemed a bit annoyed at that.

"She's got you there Jared. You are boring."

"But sir, it's my job-"

"Whatever. But it seems she doesn't remember who she is... She needs a name though."

"Why? Is she staying?" Asked Alice, hoping she would.

"Well, I have been needing a personal assistant..."

"Are you sure she's a good choice sir? She seems to me like she wouldn't know what to do..."

"Neither do you Jared. But yet you still have a job no?"

The girl then started to get out of the bed...

She wobbled over to the Warden. She stopped right in front of him.

She was a head shorter than him. Shorter than the Mistress even... But not by much...

"Your new name is Echo. Miss Echo, would you like to work for me at Superjail?"


"Good! You have alot of enthusiasm! You start now then!"

"Yes sir Mr. Warden sir!"

"First, you need new clothes. You can't be working for me in that..."

He was referring to the gray sweat pants and orange sweater she wore.

Alice jumped in.

"I'll give her a make-over."

"Good job Alice! Way to help a new employee!"

"Come with me sweetie. We'll get you a man in no time! Just stay away from mine!"

Dragging Echo, as her name now was, Alice took her to her room. However Echo seemed sad.

"What's wrong? Did I say something?"

"Where's Mr. Warden?"

Alice seemed a bit weirded out.

"Why? You like that weirdo?"

"Yeah! He's funny!"

"I wouldn't go for him if I were you... He's an idiot. Not to mention he's a player."

"I love games!"

Alice sighed... Maybe she should just stick to hanging out alone...

LJfangrl: Poor Echo. You have no idea what your getting into... Literally...

Quick authors note- she doesn't like him romantically... Not yet at least. She just finds him interesting for right now. Kinda like a small child would find any unusual new person interesting.

So, votes and/or comments anyone? Feedback is vital! If you like how the story is written so far, let me know. Think I need to change the direction or pace a bit? Speak up! Words are essential pplz!

Btw, Happy New Year!

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