An Inexplicable Attraction

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Author's Note:

Story Summary - Both Ozai and Azula have been defeated, but they have left behind a nation that is both divided and in turmoil. Faced with becoming the youngest Fire Lord in history, Zuko finds himself in the middle of a nearly impossible situation. As he and the gang try to restore a shattered world, a new enemy will emerge from the shadows. When this hidden adversary threatens both him & the one he holds most dear, Zuko will be faced with his toughest dilemma yet. Will he follow his duty or follow his heart?- A different type of Zutara with Action/Angst, featuring the whole gaang

What do I mean by a different type of Zutara? A lot of fanfic's on here do the slow Zutara buildup, usually beginning earlier in the series and with them starting off either as just friends or even enemies, and the conflict/crux of the story focuses on them slowly falling in love. This can be a great way to tell the story, and there have been several authors on this site who have pulled it off brilliantly. For my fanfic, I wanted to do something a little different. I loved the natural chemistry that Zuko and Katara seem to have with each other, so I wanted to continue to build on that existing relationship. This story will focus on the internal and external forces that will shape Zuko & Katara's relationship and force them to make some difficult choices. As the saying goes, the future is never certain.

A Very Generic Story Overview (but no Spoilers) - I thought about categorizing the story into four parts, but then decided against it. This is basically how the story will be broken down. Chapters 1-7 are the Intro/Exposition that goes into Zuko as he transitions into his new role of Fire Lord and all the responsibilities and challenges that go with it. It will also continue to build on Z&K's relationship and reunite the Gaang back with them. Chapters 8-14 is the rising action section that introduces the main antagonists of the story, which will present several challenges to Zuko, Katara, and friends, and will lead to some tough decisions. Chapters 15-21 lead up to the first big climax of the story (with some angst in here), and finally Chapters 22-30(ish) will be a lead up to the last final challenge and resolution for Zuko and friends.

Other Notes – The first several chapters will be set during the finale of Season 3, and then will continue post-series. For the most part, my story will be told in the 3rd person, but will every so often switch to 1st person view for the occasional journal writing. The first section of this chapter happens just before the "Ember Island Players" episode, so it picks up after Katara and Zuko have dealt with Yon Rha and shared their infamous hug ;-)

Disclaimer: I do not own ATLA, or its characters, plot, dialogue, or anything else connected to it. So please, no suing.


Journal Entry -

I have never been so confused before.

Ever since my brother and I found the Avatar in the glacier by our village, my life has been pretty hectic, dangerous, and, at times, death-defying. But through all the craziness that has occurred in the last several months, there was always a routine in place, a certain recurring theme that kept me safe and comfortable. No matter who was chasing us or what sticky situation we were in, I knew that our little family would make it out alright and that later we would be sitting around a fire, cracking jokes about what had happened to us. I had gotten used to our little circle of four, Sokka, my irascible yet overprotective brother, Aang, the avatar and hope for the world, yet also my kind and caring friend, and Toph, who, despite her rough exterior, did have a kind and loyal heart. But now our circle has grown, and while I instantly welcomed Suki's presence, Zuko's appearance, however, was a much different story.

The pages of this journal are full of my loathing for him-the arrogant Fire Prince whose only goal in life was to capture the Avatar, and even when he came to our group with his fervent pledge of loyalty, I didn't believe him. We had shared a brief connection in the crystal caves of Ba Sing Se, but the sting of his betrayal was still fresh in my mind, and unlike the others, I had not so easily forgotten it.

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