The Morning After

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Zuko didn't know if he was still dreaming or if he was awake.

As he gradually emerged from his lingering dreams, he became pleasantly aware of a very warm and very soft body pressed closely against him. His awakening senses noted the feel of his arm as it firmly held her to him, and the shifting of their bodies as they moved to their breathing. The more he drank in her presence, the more he realized that this was real, and it wasn't just a dream.

A smile slowly spread over his face as he remembered what happened last night. It was truly amazing, being with Katara. The way she felt in his arms, the look in her eyes when she gazed at was overwhelming. He had never cared for anyone before like he did for Katara, nor had he ever opened up so completely to someone.

The power and intensity of his emotions for her went far beyond that of a crush, but even as his mind hinted at what it meant, worry began to gnaw at him. Throughout his life, fate had conspired to take away those who had been close to him. First his mother, then Lu Ten, and even now, he didn't know if his uncle had made it through his conquest of Ba Sing Se. Just the thought of something happening to Katara made his stomach twist in fear and dread.

He forced himself to push away his dark thoughts, and brought his attention back to the present. Light was beginning to filter into the cave, and while Zuko knew they needed to leave, he didn't want to end this moment. So he laid there for a precious amount of time, simply content to hold Katara and breathe in her sweet scent.

It wasn't too much longer, however, before Katara began to stir in his arms. He heard her utter a small sigh of contentment as she stretched and pressed herself tighter to him in the process. Ever so slowly, so as not to startle her, Zuko leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her neck. That must have brought her fully awake, for she immediately turned and rolled towards him so that she could face him. A beautiful smile lit up her face, and he lost himself in the deep blue pools of her eyes.

They stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company, until Zuko finally spoke, his voice quiet, "Good morning."

Her smile widened even further. "Good morning, yourself."

"Did you sleep okay?"

She nodded, and then he watched as an adorable blush colored her cheeks, "Did you?"

"Never better," he replied sincerely.

She offered no resistance as he gently pulled her closer with the arm that was still wrapped around her waist. Her soft fingers lightly glided up his chest, and this time it was his turn to blush as he remembered particular details from last night. But all his thoughts vanished the instant her lips touched his. At that moment, there was only him, and her, and these feelings that spread over every part of him. It was a tender kiss, one that soothed him, yet sent his pulse racing at the same time.

Gradually their lips separated, but their faces remained almost touching as they lingered there, catching their breath. Her breath was warm against his skin, and its caress sent a shiver through him. He pulled away from her enough so that he could look into her eyes once again.

Her gaze then wandered from his eyes, and her brow suddenly furrowed in thought.

"Zuko, there's something I wanted to ask you about, but if you don't want to talk about it, I'd understand."

A little surprised at the turn of conversation, he nonetheless complied, "Okay, ask."

She still seemed a little hesitant, "Last night you mentioned how you and your sister used to be close. But from what I've seen of Azula, she seems to hate you and wants to get rid of you more than anyone."

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