Sad Note

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Sad note here. I'm ending this book.

I know that I said I was gonna do a lot of updates, but I got caught up in my other books, and I want to start other books but I need to end some, and I just need to get this off my mind. Another thing I want to add is that my iPad (which is how I get to Wattpad) was doing some weird thing where it wasn't letting me make chapters for books or save any chapters. Whenever I tried to it just deleted it all.

But anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this book. I appreciate all the votes and people who have read it, so thank you all very much. The next time I talk to you will probably be in my other books, so please check those out.

Again... sorry for the lack of updates. And if there were any spelling mistakes or errors in this book I apologize.

Bye readers! See you in my other books!

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