Chapter 1: Like A Wolf

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Word count: 1669

Everything was quiet; I was alone.
Then images started revolving around me, they were in a circle, and I was in the middle, and they started spinning slowly around me. They were crisp clear, much sharper than I see in real life. They started closing in, and then they stopped spinning and the one in front of me grew bigger and bigger untill I was in it.

It was dark and nothing I did brightened it up. The flashes of images hit me harder; my vision filled with bloodshed, my ears with scream, and all I could feel was immense pain. That's when the pressure on my chest came. The one that made me feel as if I were suffocating.

Suddenly I was in my bedroom, and as I turned I saw the shadow of a man. I couldn't see his face, but as he reached out and cupped my chain with his large one, I felt my body relax and sigh in contentment.

"Breathe lau nani, you are safe as you always be as long as my heart is beating."

Quickly I sat up and while I usually woke up feeling panicked, I felt insanely calm. Not out of breath like I was drowning, not terrible, not weak. I felt relaxed.

Which is not normal.

Usually I wake up panicking, heartbeat drumming so hard I can literally hear it in my ears, and terrified.

I was thankful for whatever force it was that put my mind and body at ease. However, I didn't like not knowing what it was. Letting unknown beings into your mind was not a good thing, and admittedly it both concerned and intrigued me how anyone was able to do so. Both the mental block and wards I had up were incredibly strong. I'd worry about it later. For now, I had to focus on the fact that something big was coming. That was the big takeaway from my dream. I had a good idea on the what was coking, it was a matter of when.

After a quick shower, I finished getting ready and gathered the things I needed.I grabbed my grimore and a sketch pad throwing them into my bag. I had finally emerged from my room ready to start the day, I went downstairs into the kitchen.

"Bestie!" I playfully rolled my eyes when I heard the sound of her voice. "Bout time you woke up."

I turned giving a smile to my beautiful best friend. "Morning."

Was it the right word to describe Aubrey?
How about flawless.

She woke up that way. A hair was never out of place, she always had a glow to her, and her face seemed to be naturally contoured to perfection. Auburn hair brought out the green in her beautiful hazel eyes. There was no wonder she was envied by every female - human and she-wolf - we came across. Not only was she beautiful on the outside, but she just a beautiful on the inside and it was that beauty that had every unmated Alpha and wolf begging for her hand.

"You know she feels the need to hibernate every Friday." Cade came through the kitchen doorway with a teasing smirk on his face.

I threw a grape at him while mumbling 'shut up' as I stuffed my satchel with fruit and water as discreetly as possibly while he and Brey talked.

I turned for a minute and watched the too, a small smile forming on my face. Cade had a thing for Aubrey something he confessed during their week of Honduras. Honduras was a universal werewolf celebration, where they sung and danced and presented gifts to their Goddess and ancestors. Food, the drinks, everything. Just the freedom had you on a natural high. The first and probably last time I'll dance naked in front of a full moon. Still, I envied the way all the packs could put their minor differences aside for the week and celebrate the one thing they indefinitely had in common. The love for their Goddess.

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