Bike Safety

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Role: Receiver

Your pedaling down the street on your bike. It's a hot day and you decided to wear blue denim shorts with a white cotton t-shirt. You decided to wear your light blue briefs as they are flexible and comfortable.

Whenever a car would come down the street you would pull over to the sidewalk until the car passed. After that, you go right back on the road and continue your ride.

Your parents told you to wear a helmet and knee pads but you ignore their warnings. You've rode your bike plenty of times without them, so why start now? The neighbors say the exact same thing but it was just pointless nagging.

"Hey kid! Where's your helmet?" You hear a voice calling to you from the sidewalk. You roll your eyes when you realize it's the local neighborhood police officer Bert. He wasn't on duty today but he feels like it's his responsibility to before safety in the community.

He was the typical overweight cop you would see in donut shops. He was wearing a blue and purple Hawaiian shirt with pineapples. He wore yellow shorts that looked a bit too tight on his body and he wore socks with brown sandals. The round glasses and bushy mustache finished the look.

"Get your hiney over here kid. Now!"

You groan but head over to him. If he snitched on you no way would your parents let you keep riding your bike.

When you get off your bike, he immediately takes it.

"Hey!" You yell at him.

"Don't you hey me! You obviously don't know how to be responsible enough to follow the law so you obviously are not responsible enough to own a bike. You'll get it back when I had this over to your parents."

"Like hell you are!" You reach for your bike but he pulls it back shaking his head. You keep going for it but he keeps the bike away from you.

"Give me back my bike you fat Rent-A-Cop!" You yell and pushed him hard his stomach bounced with the push.

"Hey now! No need for violence."

You ignore him and keep pushing him. Maybe he will fall to the ground you and get you bike and book it. He almost off balance. Just a little more.

"Now stop that. You are taking this further than it really has to go." He called out. He was still keeping the bike away from you even with you assaulting him.

You go for one large push but he side stepped last second. You go falling to the ground. As you get up you feel your blue briefs being yanked up sharply. You're brought up and you stand on your tip toes as Bert has your briefs pulled up to your back. The leg holes were poking out of your shorts.

"Hey, relax! Let go!" You yell.

The pain in your butt stings as Bert gives holds your underwear in place.

"You want me to relax? You want me to let go? Why, so you can keep attacking me? Nu-uh. Not happening buddy." He gave you a tug on your briefs that made you squeak in pain.

"Look, I not run or attack," you said. "I just want to get my bike and leeeeaaa..." you squeal out as Bert pulled your underwear higher and lifted you off the ground.

"No, what were going to do I call your parents to explain what just happened." Bert concluded.

He was now holding you in the air with just one hand by your briefs. He started to hold you like a suitcase as he made his way to his house. As he walked you were bounced up and down with each step he took. You tried to break free from his grasp but it just made the wedgie worse.

When he got in his house and put you down, you bolted down the hallway. You were way faster than us fat self so you easily got to the living room and could see the back door. However your foot caught on the rug and you tripped and fell.

You tried to get back up but it was too late. You felt your briefs grabbed as you tried to run and you were pulled back to Bert.

He was pants and out of breath. "You are too unpredictable to be let loose." He said.

You felt intense pain as he pulled your stretched briefs higher and higher. He had them pulled to the back of your head. You were squealing loudly and begging.

"Wait please, no! Not that! Anything but that. You can call my parents but just not that. No. Noooo!!!" You desperately plead but it falls on deaf ears.

You felt your briefs pull up higher just enough to be pulled over your head and onto your forehead. He let you go and you try to pry the wedgie off your head but it's too tight.

Your voice is much higher than normal as the pain was crushing and burning all over your nether regions. "Take it off, take it off! Pleas!" You yell.

You heard Bert get something from a closet. You felt something soft being strapped to your elbows and knees. Finally you felt something put on your atomic wedgied head and felt a buckle click under your chin.

You look at the body length mirror in the room to find Bert put silver bike safety gear on you. He crossed his arms and said, "I won't say a word if you don't."

You look at him and think a bit.

"Deal," you say. Now way can anyone find out what happened. It'll ruin you for the rest of your life.

You both shake hands and agree to never talk about what happen. Bert gave hardy chuckle before taking off your helmet and removing your Wedgie. "Now get outta here."

You waddle over down the hall and get out of the door. When you get on your bike and sit down, you immediately hiss. Sitting down reminds you of the wedgies you just got. You decide to stand riding you bike.

On the bright side, at least you got some free stuff.

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