Art and Waffles.

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I never should've let Rachel convince me to come to her underground-Art-showcase-gallery whatever. I mean, she's my best friend and I love her, but it's Thursday and I've got a 7 am. lecture tomorrow morning.

Not two minutes passed and she was already nowhere to be seen. I stood on my toes, almost leaning on the girl beside me for support until I saw her angry red curls, covering her boyfriend, John, almost completely. All you could see of him was the unruly black hair on top of his head.

Oh well, might as well look at the paintings while I was here.

The showcase was built on the inside of an out of use, old, Subway cart. Whoever thought of it had made a great choice, the art pieces complemented the vintagey suburban look of the cart perfectly. I walked around the edges, noticing all the little work they'd done to make the cart usable again, when I realized, too late, that the back of the cart was gone, leaving it open to the railway, and I had already taken a step into the void.

Mentally bracing myself for the hit I was about to get, I closed my eyes.

A moment passed...then another...why wasn't I falling?

-You can open your eyes, you know?-

I did and soon realized that the young man in front of me, who I just noticed had his hands around my waist, had somehow prevented me from falling into the railway.

Oh god. How mortifying.

I stood there, awkwardly, for a couple more seconds before pulling away.

-ehh...thanks- I said still out of sorts, shaking my head I began again- I mean, thank you for saving my ass from some serious bruising-

-I wouldn't want a pretty girl like you falling ten feet into a railway- he smiled, then frowned- I wouldn't want anyone falling from that height to be honest-

I chuckled. Who the hell was this guy?

-So, is any of this yours?-he gestured at the art pieces around us.

-Oh, no- I laughed- I'm here for a friend of mine, I can't paint to save my life, you?-

-My brother's girlfriend has a couple of paintings on show. I'm here for moral support- he smiled and his eyes crinkled. Oh god, his eyes were the most unique sea-green, -Hey, I didn't catch your name between you falling and everything?-

-That's because I haven't said it-

-Annabeth!- Rachel called from behind me, the boy with the sea green eyes just chuckled.

-Nice name- I rolled my eyes at him. Rachel's head of curls appeared next to me.

-Oh!- she started- You've met Percy-

-Percy?- I frowned, and turned to him- You're Johns brother ?-

-Step-brother- he clarified- You're Rachel's Annabeth huh?-

-Isn't it obvious?-

-Well, I'm glad you guys met, John was looking for you- interrupted Rachel- He offered to give  us a ride since it's pretty late already, is that cool? -

-Yeah, yeah no problem-

We started walking towards the exit. Percy leaned over to me.

-I'm glad I caught you, would've been hard to explain to my brother, if I let his girlfriend's best friend plummet to death-

-Oh shut it-

The car ride was pleasant enough, the goodbyes on the other hand were more than a bit awkward.

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