Chapter 18

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They were surrounded by more masked people as they sat in a circle with these weird dress like things on.

Someone walked towards Jack and handed him his masked outfit. “Is this a ‘blood in, blood out’ kinda thing?” Randall asked looking at Jack who shrugged.

“You have passed out tests...and proven yourselves worthy.”

“Thank you.” Randall whispered as someone passed him his outfit.

“You may now know the first truth. real.”

“Magic is real?” Kristine asked

“Sure.” Jack said as him and Randall smirked

“Silence!” The two got quiet as the rest were passed out their outfits. “And with practice, dedication,and commitment, anything is possible. Weapons now.” Alyssa spoke

“Whooa wait a damn minute!” Kristine opposed as they all pulled out knives.

“Yo magic is real.” Jack said as a coin magically appeared but caught fire.

“Jack Morton, Jasmine Morton, Randall Carpio, Lilith Bathory, Hamish Duke, and Kristine Mars. You have all been summoned. Will you need the call?” Alyssa asked

“I will.” They all said in synced.

“Rise, acolytes.” She said as they stood up holding the clothes they were given.

The other put their knives down as one nodded and they started taking their masks off revealing their faces.


“So you were quizzing me? To see if I had what it takes to be in The Order?” Jasmine asked as she held her champagne in her hand talking to Alex. “Well maybe, but at least now I don't have to keep it a secret anymore.” he said with a chuckle.

“You never have to keep a secret from me Alex. I trust you.” She said with a smile as he kissed her forehead.

“Tonight, we welcome six new members into our family. That is what the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose is,a family. And it has chosen each and everyone of be a member. Just like any family there are going to be disagreements, and fights, and you are going to hate doing your chores.” Vera said making laughter come from almost everyone.

The ringing sound started to come back through their ears, but Jasmine was the only one who had the strength to ignore it.

“But at the end of the day, we really together. We protect our own. And tonight... We are stronger because of you. To our new acolytes. And to the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose.”

“Hear, Hear.”

“Cheers.” Everyone started applauding and smiling.


“Any idea who was performing magic during Vera's little ‘ Kumbaya’ moment?” Randall asked as they all stood at the bar.

“Probably someone who was bored as I was. Are ceremonies always so long?” Hamish spoke as Randall took a sip of his drink.

“Oh, yeah.” Lilith said drinking hers as well.

“This is our second time and it doesn't get any better.” Jack said speaking for him and his sister.

“See, that's what I love about our initation ceremony. It's brief and casual, and we get to the drinker a hell of a lot quicker.” Randall said as him, Hamish, Lilith, and Kristine tapped each others glass making Jasmine roll her eyes as they all drank from their glass.

“It's nice that Alyssa returned our memories.” Randall said

“Did she? Or did she just return the ones that would get us on side?” Jasmine asked

“She returned them all.” Jack spoke.

“How can you be so sure?” Kristine asked

“Because I wanna kill her for betraying us.” He said

“You'll have to get in line.” Randall said

“Yeah, if the Order finds out what she did, they'll kill her.” Jasmine says taking a sip from her glass.

“And us.” Lilith spoke.

“We better make sure that doesn't happen.” Hamish said

“How do you suppose we do that?” Kristine asked

“Let them think they won.” Hamish said drinking from his glass.

“They have won.” Lilith said

“They stole all our magic crap, our journals, our hide lockers.” She continued.

Randall nodded before speaking. “They have Silverback.” He said

“We'll get him back. We'll get it all back.” Jasmine said making them look at her.

“Sounds like you have a plan.” Hamish said

She shook her head. “Not yet. But when the time is right, we're going to make them pay.” She said as Alyssa walked in the room and Jack raised his glass to her.

“All of them.” Jack said

“And then we're going to burn this place to the fucking ground.” Kristine said with a smirk as they all took a sip of their drink as a cheers to that.

The Order will pay, if it's the last thing they do.

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