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The Mechanic sits on the cold metal bench in his cell in Kryptarium Prison. He sees the glow of the moon shine right in front of him, so he looks above him, standing up on the bench to get a better view. Silently he stares out the barred window. A full moon shines peacefully just outside. He can hear a neighbouring inmate snoring away, fast asleep. Just five years ago, he helped Unagami escape from Prime Empire. Even longer ago, he worked for Master Chen, making and repairing noodle trucks for the criminal ringleader. He'd worked for villains, all his life. Given so much time in prison to reflect, he regrets his choice. Because he chose the wrong path, he'd lost many years of freedom. Looking out the small window, he begins to think about what creatures live out there, in the vast and ever-expanding galaxy. He'd been interested in space all his life. He used to help his father around his garage, fixing things here and there, sometimes crafting small metal spaceships and thinking up stories for them. His father told him he'd make a great mechanic or engineer. But he never worked really well at school, failing almost all his subjects, except Math. He was also constantly bullied by other kids. He never had the chance to get into university, that's why he'd chosen to work for crime bosses. They paid well, and the Mechanic had been blinded by the money. Also, he felt that he finally succeeded at something, being bad, and got the chance to boss around and bully others, instead of the other way around. Sighing, he climbs back down from the bench and gets on the bed in his cell, trying to get a good night's sleep. Staring at the grey ceiling, he imagines all the possibilities and chances he could have got if he was never bad. Just as he is about to fall asleep, he sees a bright blue-tinted light shine through the window of an inmate's cell, all the way across the diameter of the prison hall. The light is so bright that it illuminates the whole inmate's cell, even shining through the bars of that cell. He gets out of bed, pressing his face against the bars of his own cell. The light switches off, then shines again in the cell on the direct right of the first cell. Then the pattern repeats on the third cell. Is someone mounting a breakout mission? he thought. If so, whoever it was wasn't breaking anyone out yet. He realised that it was about ten cells later before the light reached him. He decides that when the light reached him, he'd yell out the window to whoever it was outside to break him out. So when the light reaches him, he does just that. The light stops right outside his cell. Its so blinding that the Mechanic has to look away. Using his mechanically enhanced left eye, he looks through the light to its source. What he sees surprises him. A ship, shaped like a disc, resembling a generic U.F.O., crawls through the night sky slow as a snail. That's where the light's coming from. He's just about to process the fact that he might be dreaming, when suddenly, he starts floating. He feels weightless. He is inside the blue-tinted light. He's about to call for help when he starts to float through the wall of the cell like there's nothing there, but he can still see the wall. He calls for help but no sounds come out of his mouth. He tries to snap out of this "dream". He looks back through the light to its source. Hes being guided by the light to what seems to be a docking bay. He instantly remembers one of his favourite movie series, Star Wars. Its played almost every Kryptarium Movie Day. The docking bay looks like one from the Death Star. He is beamed into the bay, and through his fuzzy eyesight, he looks back to see a ramp close behind him. He turns forward, and he is very startled by what he sees. "Aliens are real..." he mumbles, then passes out.

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