Chapter 1: The woman with the story

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Zane was at Borg Towers, helping P.I.X.A.L. and Cyrus Borg with some technical check-ups and stuff, to make sure that the tower was in good shape. He was connecting some wires when a notification popped up on his built-in display. Lloyd was requesting an urgent Ninja meeting. Goodness, they hadn't met up in about 5 years. save for the annual Christmas dinners. The Ninja had all grown up so much. Zane wondered why Lloyd would host an urgent meeting. "P.I.X.A.L.! I gotta go!" he called. "Lloyd requires my presence." "Let me come too!" said P.I.X.A.L. So they got into Zane's car and drove to the Monastery.

(At the Monastery of Spinjitzu)

Zane and P.I.X.A.L. walked up the impossibly long flight of winding stairs to the Monastery. They were greeted by Lloyd Garmadon. The master's face was troubled. In the yards of the Monastery, the other Ninja had gathered, as well as a couple of allies, like Ronin, Skylor, Dareth and Misako. "So, why is everyone here?" asked Jay. "Well, its... hard to explain. Lets get inside to the library. We'll talk there."

(In the library)

"So, you see, yesterday, I was cleaning up the yard of the Monastery when someone knocked on the door. I opened it, and there was a woman in a black trench coat and a wide-brimmed hat, with dark sunglasses. I asked him who she was, and she said... she said she was not human, nor alien."

"Then who is she?" asked Cole. "Or rather, WHAT is she?" asked Kai.

"I asked her the same questions. She said that she descended from one of the earliest tribes of beings to walk the surface of the Earth. She also said that she brought a warning, and sought help.  With no other choice, I decided to listen to her. She told me a lot."

"Like what?" asked Nya.

"She told me a long story that I'll tell you guys." said Lloyd. "She told me that 65 million years ago, it was not an asteroid or volcanic eruptions that killed off all the dinosaurs. It was, according to the woman, a fierce battle between two warring alien tribes. The aliens were at war for the bronze of the Earth, which they forced the earliest Earthlings to mine for them. It's said that humans found gold while mining for bronze."

"Okay, that's just~" started Jay. "Hush, Jay! Listen to the whole story first!" said Nya.

"The victorious tribe used nuclear weaponry to win the battle," continued Lloyd, "and it killed off all the dinosaurs in the process. Later, after the battle, the victorious alien tribe came back to Earth and experimented with the early humans, messing with our DNA, genes, stuff like that. They mixed some humans with dinosaurs, creating various human-dino species. The woman was from one of the last surviving species. The other ones are dead."

"Then, how come we haven't seen them?" asked Cole.

"The woman said that as pure humans became smarter, they began to develop the desire to rule the Earth, to take all the land for themselves. They looked down upon the other tribes, and drove them underground. Later, most of them died of starvation, dehydration, or diseases."

"That sounds like the Serpentine," observed Zane.

"Indeed. That's because they were one of those genetically altered tribes. They were the first to try to warn us humans about those aliens, but we humans would not listen. The woman told me that her people have the powers of both humans and dinosaurs. They can also shapeshift into both forms. In fact, she demonstrated it before me."

"WHAAAT?" yelled the Ninja in unison. 

Then came a familiar voice. "I've seen it too," said Master Wu, walking into the room. "Okay, this is getting weird," said Jay. "But it is real," said Lloyd. 

"Wait, you said there was a warning," said Cole. "What is it?"

"Oh, about that." said Lloyd. "The woman said... doomsday is near." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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