The term 'creative' is subjective and therefore not specific.

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1. D o n e


Hunny. Who tf do you think you are?

Imma do this anyways:

-I'm Muslim

-I should be praying rn

-I have brown hair

-I'm a pessimist

-I'm a realist

-I'm an optimist

-I'm indecisive

-I'm an insomniac

-I should be sleeping rn

-I apparently don't deserve love

-I am loved

-I am opinionated

-I am stereotypically fat

- I swear outside of wattpad

-I am uncomfortable with constant swearing online simply because I don't want my parents to see it and then nag at me.

3. This is basically a situation of being shot or hung.

I'm being tortured either way.

4. Well aren't you picky?


N o. Who tf do you think you are? You don't own me. Jeez.

6. *inset title here*

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