Someone has a death wish istg-

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1) straight


3) The term 'happy' is subjective and therefore not specific.

4) River-Bishop

5) As brown as what the world has come to.

6) Taurus

7) my little brother on his finger because he came running to me when he hit it on the table.

8) i dont have a  favourite colour.

That's because after all the drawings I've made, all the times I've beat myself over colour-theory, I've just learnt to hate or love a colour within the specific context.

Unless its grayscale.  #Grayscale4life

9) I'm a Taurus and a muslim.

As long as it's halal, I'm down.


10) idk, but my iPad's  is 89%

11) do anime boys count as celebrities?

12) aubergine.

(Fluck off you dirty minded lil shets. It's a delicious VEGETABLE. AND YOUR DISGUSTING DEPICTIONS OF IT ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.*cough* sorry*cogh* not *cough*).

13)*insert number five here*

14) Big eniough to walk, idk

15) songwriter or an author OR a YouTube animator.

But imma be a lawyer.

16) .N.O.

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