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I was right.

As soon as I walked into school, it was as if we never left. People hovering around lockers, gossiping about what happened over the summer. It was at this point I was glad I didn't know anyone at camp, because at least nobody here could know what happened.

A jock from the year above pushed me backwards as he ran through the halls, trying to catch a ball that was thrown in that direction. This is why I had a problem with jocks; they thought the whole world revolves around their sport, and god forbid they ever said sorry about knocking someone over. One good thing about my brother being the captain was that I was friends with most of them. And when they weren't being complete airheads, they were actually quite fun to be around.

I stumbled backwards a little bit, but something behind me caught my waist stabilising myself before I fell. I muttered a quick 'sorry' and 'thankyou' made my way towards home room.

"No problem Brinnie Boo." The familiar deep voice whispered in my ear.

My whole body tensed as I recognised the husky voice with his peppermint breath. Without looking back I grabbed ahold of Kim's hand and sped walked down the halls, which was now completely silent - which I was guessing was from a certain somebody's appearance. I pushed my way through people, trying to get as far away from the boy as possible. Kim was stumbling behind me, no doubt because of how fast my feet were moving. Within no time we were in our home room and sat in our seats.

"Are you going to tell me what the hell that was, and why you basically ran the whole way here?" Kim whisper shouted at me, holding a stern look on her face.

"I fell a little bit, nothing to worry about." I mumbled , resting my head in my hands. He was here. It wasn't my imagination. What the hell was he doing here, in my town, in my school.

"So it has absolutely nothing to do with the model of a man that just caught you?" She questioned , wiggling her eyebrows a little. I know she didn't mean any harm, but it was really starting to annoy me how many people were talking about him. He literally walked in 2 minutes ago, yet every single girl was talking about how much they wanted him. This wasn't jealousy. I wouldn't be jealous of him. I was just annoyed he even showed up. And okay, maybe a little bit of jealousy.

"I have no clue what you're talking about, so how about we just drop it for today." Maybe if I was given a day I could come up with a story about how we met, or I could tell him to never mentioned that he knew me, maybe that would be easier.

Kim dropped it. She always did when it came to things like this, she never wanted to pry too much. But she always knew what was going through my head anyway, because most of the time it was her brother.

Oh no.

Her brother.

I left Carter.

Somehow I was so distracted by a certain somebody making an appearance, I didn't even think about Carter. I just left him there and ran. The one time he chose to walk in with me rather than go off with Jake and I ditched him. He was definitely never going to walk in with me again.

The last bell rang signalling that everyone should be in their lessons by now. A few late people strolled, getting a lairy look from our home room teacher Mr Smith. His name was loosely being thrown around, part of new school gossip. And I didn't blame them, he was very good looking, actually he was drop dead gorgeous, the type of boys that only come from movies. And I guess it wouldn't take long before the girls of Crossbridge would dig their claws in, as if he was the last piece of bread and they were the seagulls.

Okay that was a bad analogy, but you get the point. He was very good looking, and when you add that onto the fact that he's basically fresh meat, you have a female population on overdrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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