3 Platelet Sky (111019)

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I was on the train headed to a place called Tarry town, the conductor said over the intercom that due to delays, there will be no heading to Tarry town on this train, please board the southbound train to court square, then board the uptown train at midway road.

I boarded the train headed south to court square at Dunkirk, then I dropped out through the floor of the train, and onto the road. The train floor became transparent as I fell through, and no other passengers were affected. I was looking around for the trainway entrance when I crossed the street.

As if she appeared, one of my old classmates from school waves her arm and says hey!
Did you graduate from your school? I said yes. Graduated, great, okay. I would like to show you something, do you know what that is? She takes a step forward and points to the sky. At that moment, the sky becomes dark and the clouds part, revealing an epic back drop of the night sky.

The stars seems to meld together into a shimmering mist, encompassing all the planets or ships including my own. But also in the sky, there seemed to be what looked like disc shaped rafts, in thousands, meshed together and undulating as if they were one massive thing. They were all red in color and dimpled, but their shields shimmered like the gas of stars behind them.

Do you know what that is? No. Well whatever it is, it's right over our planet. We have to head to midway to talk to the commissioner. On our way to midway, I notice a bazaar that was no there before. "We can't stop for superstitions now, we have to head to midway!" "Wait, this stop may contain clues."

At the front desk, there is a bald priest in a white robe, surrounded by all sorts of toys and trinkets. We are wondering what is happening over our sky. There is nothing on the weather channel, it's a sunny day outside. I look confused at her, and the priest tunes to the weather channel. "It's a sunny day all week..."

A bald tan priest in an orange robe walked into the front office. "These people here say they've noticed something happening over the sky, did you notice anything?" "No, I have not seen anything, now this is a place of business, there will be no loitering in here."

On our way to midway road, the trains boom and crash and strain as they pass overhead, blurred out and in slow motion. Just then, as if he appeared, a tan priest in a green robe approaches. Hey, that's the commissioner. I have seen the things, huge boats in the sky. "Well, what do they want?" The monk and the priest catch up with us.

"We see, we see, the large things In the sky. What do they want?"
"It is not about what they want, it was a tremendous battle, and now they are refueling. It is not about what they want from the people, but about what they want from the planet. But where do they come from? They are from all over and they have no origins."

We all stare at the slowly moving cloud of massive ships that all look like a single ship. The ships that looked like individual plastic rafts and smaller clusters of rafts flake off the mass of rafts. We still need to head to midway road to access the comm array... the scene fades out into a sort if tunnel of a watery haze.

I end up in another sort of suburbs, but maybe I was not that far away. There were several grown girls that seemed to be crowded around a mailbox that looked like a bird house on top of a fire control station. I could not really get what they were talking about, a few of them were leaving at a time, until only 3 were left. Then the scene fades into grey specs.

Passible Morals: We may not readily understand how some other people live.

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