Chapter 2: TV

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3:32 P.M.
Tokyo, Japan

A man harshly took off Harui's blindfold, she shot up an angry glare at him. She looked up to see a few men, maybe 6 of them along with her in the one-bulb lighted room. She attempted to move out, not leaving eye-contact but her arms were tied behind the chair she was sitting. Her mouth was also tied up with a piece of cloth.

"I honestly didn't think it would be this easy," admitted one of them. She looked at him, the same deathly stare, looking as though she wished to say something. The threat in her eyes made her look older than she was. "Do you want to say something?" He inquired.

No reply.

"I'm going to take that as a yes," he said meekly as he removed the cloth that was tied between her mouth.

"Who are you and why in the hell am I here?" She asked. After observing them, she assumed that they were some small time Yakuza group that did this thing for publicity, or a few bucks, maybe even for recruiting so that they could say 'we once kidnapped Harui Hiroshi', kidnapping a billionaire's daughter would surely help boost up their resume. She internally rolled her eyes at the thought.

"Well, Princess," a brown haired guy who was previously lurking in the shadows came out, "You are Harui Hiroshi. We can't possibly leave out an opportunity like this, can we?"

"That wasn't my question." She said in a pissed off tone, hints of her father's anger showing slightly on her face. She was really mad. Thursdays meant that during this time, her favourite show would be aired. "Perhaps you can't understand; I asked who you were and why I was here."

"We are Kindaichi, a yakuza group." A slightly long-haired guy answered instead of the brown hair guy. Bingo, Harui thought internally. "And you are here because we're in need of a little cash." He put his hands inside his pockets, a satisfied grin painted across his face as if he had said the best diss in history.

"Kindaichi? Never heard of them," Harui relaxed on her chair. "How much did you ask?"

"65 million." Someone answered but Harui didn't look, she just wanted to look at the long-haired guy's smirk wiped off his scarred face.

She looked around, "All of you must know everything about me already, right?" She asked. Her show was probably already over so why not hang out with them a bit? "Why not tell me more about yourselves? Hey, long-hair guy, tell me about yourself."

"People call me the back-bone of Kindaichi, Renzo Yauo."

"You, brown-boy,"

"They call me the shadow"- Harui snorted, -"Kaori Taiki."

"What about the rest of you Yakuza turds?" She said, condescendingly, "Got no names?"

"Other than that kid over there," Renzo pointed towards a red haired guy, "The rest of us are older than you. Be respectful, kid."

"Sure," Harui said sarcastically, not paying any attention to whatever they were saying. "Shit!" Harui realized, she had a family gathering that night but she had forgotten all about it. "What's the time right now?" She looked towards the man that first opened her blindfold because she noticed he was wearing a watch.

He looked at his old watch, "3:32 P.M."

"Thank goodness," she leaned back on the uncomfortable chair, relieved. She had enough time.

"Untie the kid," Kaori ordered, folding his arms. "Hiroki," he glanced at the red-haired guy, "Look after her while we're gone," Hiroki nodded. "Take her to the blue room. Stay there till we come back." Kaori turned back, the rest except Hiroki followed suit.

"Aw, I was having fun," Harui expressed with a pout.

"Better luck next time, kid," Kaori said before leaving out the door.

"Bye, Kaori!" She yelled out as if Kaori was not her kidnapper. "So, where're you taking me, 'Hiroki'?"

He walked over and untied her, "To the blue room."

Harui scoffed as she stood up, "What is that, some fancy name for hostage people cells?"

"No. It's basically a guest bedroom." He replied innocently.

"So I'm getting some special treatment?" She rubbed her wrist which had gotten slight wrinkles due to the tightly tied cloth.

"Don't try to run away," Hiroki warned, "I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it."

"Sure, dude," Harui replied, un-amused. "So, take me to my room, Hiroki?" He grabbed her wrist but she pulled it back, "I can walk by myself, thank you very much." She started walking ahead of Hiroki, her nose held high.

Hiroki caught up and escorted her towards the so-called 'blue room'. On the way, they ran into a bunch of other members of their "esteemed" mafia group. Harui made a mental note of how many people there were, still a little unsure about how she was going to plan her escape.

Once they reached, Hiroki opened the door after a small fumble with the keys. Harui was whistling, looking around with her hands behind her back. Upon entering, Harui subconsciously started analyzing the room almost immediately after setting her eyes on it. It was definitely blue, hence the name. There was a medium sized window at the end of the room. The place was comfortable. The bed looked... cosy? There was also a flat-screened TV right next to the door in front of a white couch. It was way too nice to be a place to hide their hostages, guess Hiroki wasn't lying when he said it was a guest room.

"Hey, Hiroki?"

"What?" He sat on the couch, facing the TV.

"Does the TV work?"

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