Over and Out.

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«Don't be scared love.» she heard a familiar voice say. That voice... She had heard it before. Then the man stepped out from the shadows, making her widen her eyes.
«T-Taehyung..?» she asked confused. How on earth did the stranger find her home and how did he even manage to get there before her? The only logical answer was that he must have ran another way after saying farewell.

The man did not say anything, instead he just stood there looking at her. More like staring at her.
«I came to pick you up.» he finally spoke, his words starting to sound very sinester to Dasom. She laughed in amazement.
«Yah, you really think I'm gonna come with you after this? You're a freak!» she said, her voice becoming louder and louder for each word. She was horrified. Disgusted. Scared. Shocked. Angry.
What was this mans problem?
Taehyung poked his chin with his tongue, turning his head to the side while letting out a chuckle.
«You really do amaze me Dasom.» he smiled, stepping closer which made the mentioned girl take steps backwards.
«I'll scream.» she warned, looking at him with stone cold eyes, even though she felt like passing out.
«Ah really now?» he smirked, not stopping his steps. Dasom's heartbeat was going overboard, adrenaline spreading like fire through her veins. She had to do something. This man was mentally sick.
«You know...» Taehyung started, hands in his pockets, «I dont wanna hurt you Dasom. You are my everything. I just want to finally bring home what's precious to me. My reason to live. My life.».
She felt like throwing up. The fear made her body stiff and heavy.
«No... No. Get away from me!» she started off mumbling before ending up screaming. Taehyung's eyes widened ever so slightly, but soon went back to their normal size. Dasom quickly turned around, sprinting down the street. Taehyung soon catched on and ran after her.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Dasom felt like crying, but the adrenaline didn't let her. She was instead running down the street, feet hitting the hard pavement, with a mad-man on her tail. She let out a scream, yelling for help. Taehyung felt his anger grow. If this did not work out, he would have to go to further extents. He would not hesitate getting blood on his hands if that meant keeping his little butterfly in his hands.
Their breathing were starting to shorten, and Dasom felt like passing out. She didn't know how much longer she could indure. Looking around in panic, she tried to look for any houses with their lights on. Continuing to run while her eyes searched, she felt her hope fade. None of the houses seemed to have anyone awake inside them. She had to get out of his sight in order to call the police. Looking to her left she noticed the forest. Making up her mind, Dasom quickly turned, running towards the tall dark trees. She had to get out of his sight.

Taehyung kept quiet, running after her. He wanted the scene to be as invisible as possible, and him yelling would only cause attention. His lips tugged into a smirk as he saw her run towards the forest.

This was going to be fun.

Finally the girl got into the woods. Dasom wondered how the tall man had not catched up on her, but she was ever so thankful for that. Her love for running had finally come in handy.
Running further into the woods, she tried to find somewhere to hide that would not be too obvious. Throwing a glance over her shoulder she no longer saw the man run after her. She felt panic run through her veins. Where was he?
Shaking it off, she continued deeper, making sure to take turns both to the right and left to make sure she was not going in a straight line. Dasom quickly pulled herself behind a tree, panting hard. She tried to calm her breathing, but after running for so long it was basically impossible. Her hand quickly found its way into her pocket, fishing up her phone. The screen lit up, as she quickly tapped in her code and went straight to her contacts. She pressed in the number to the police, pressing call before placing the phone by her ear.
It was quiet. Too quiet almost. Paranoid, Dasom kept looking around for any trace of the psycho, but there were none. It was like he had dissappeared into thin air. Maybe he didn't follow her into the woods? She hoped so. The ringing gave her anxiety.
«Pick up quickly... pick up...» she whispered, wanting to cry.

Then she heard it.

A branch being stepped on.


Looking around, she did not see Taehyung anywhere. Since she had heard him, he couldn't be far, but hopefully he was still far enough away for her to get help.
«Hello, this is the police, how may I help you?» the other end of the phone finally said.
«I-I need help! There-there is a man following me, he is planning to kidnap me! Please help me!» Dasom cried out, focued on the call.
«There is a man out to kidnap you and he is following you? May I know your name maam?» the woman on the phone said. Dasom felt like ripping her hair out. This was going to slowly! She needed help now!
«Yes, yes! My name is Da—»
«Hello? Maam? Your name is what? Maam? Are you there? Hello?»

Dasom tried hard to breathe through her nose, but had difficulties due to his big hand covering her mouth and nose. She clawed at his hands, feeling herself panic. She was doing to die. She was doing to die. Taehyung digged his fingers deeper into her shoulder, wanting her to be quiet.
«Fuck!» he muttered, angry over the fact that she had managed to call the police.
«AH FUCK!» he suddenly screamed, letting go of the female while holding over his bitten hand. Dasom quickly ran to grab her phone but was quickly pushed to the ground by the stronger male.
«You fucking bitch!» he growled, sitting on top of her and pinning her fighting arms over her head.
«Let me go!» Dasom screamed, trying to get him off with her feet.
«If you dont listen I will fucking kill you!» Taehyung said angrily, looking at her with a hard gaze. Dasom shut her mouth without realizing it. He placed her arm in his other arm, using his free hand to grab her phone. Releasing her arms, he bended the phone into two pieces right in front of her making her gasp. She felt all hope dissappear.
«Now with that out of the way, you will be coming with me.» he demanded, looking like Dasom's biggest nightmare.
«No.» she managed to let out, trying desperately to find a plan B.

«You really are an interesting one Dasom... I guess that's why I'm so infatuated with you my love.» Taehyung smiled, but Dasom couldn't figure out whether it was an sarcastic or genuine one. He gently stroked his fingers over her cheek, admiring her from up close.
«I'm sorry my love...» he said pouting, before quickly covering her mouth and nose with a cloth. Trying to fight against him, her vision soon got darker and darker.

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