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(Wally aka Kid Flash's POV)

Gone. They were all gone. Conner, Kaldur, and... Artemis. They were all dead; zeta blasted out of existence. All of Earth's heroes, all our friends were dead. How would the world survive this? How would we survive this?

All that was left of the league was Martian Manhunter. Robin, M'gann and I were all that was left of the team. When- If we died Earth would be taken over by the aliens in no time; all of humanity would be destroyed.

We were the last hope, the last line of defence. The last heroes.
The only thing that snapped me out of my swirling thoughts was the sound of Robin's voice telling J'onn to take M'gann and go, saying that he had a plan to get us out. She protested but her uncle pulled her away and did his density shifting thing, pulling them both through the solid metal wall.

The ship's roaming drones' cannons had created fire and it was drawing nearer by the second.

We exchanged a look and jumped out from behind the machine we were hiding behind to destroy the last of the drones.

After being cornered behind another set of machines by the fire I looked at Robin wondering what his plan was.

He was typing on his hologram thingy, the blue light making his face glow a ghostly pale white. "What's your plan?" I asked, trying to decipher what he was typing.

"I can open a hatch," he breathed heavily, "If you run you can make it... before the bombs on the main engine explode."
"What happens then?" I asked, temporarily forgetting that we'd talked about this while we were in the engine room. I stared at his expressionless face, his sky blue eyes covered by the mask.
"Kaboom," he smiled weakly, making a small hand gesture. "Whole place turns to dust, the surrounding area probably will too with the machines this fire's gonna blow up."
"Alright well, hop on," I stood up, gesturing for him to climb on my back.
"I'll just slow you down," he said, "You'll already be weaker because of the smoke, you won't make it there in time if you bring me."
"I'm fi-" I started before collapsing in a coughing fit from the smoke. Scratch that, I'm not fine.

"Were you about to say 'I'm fine'?" He smirked but it wasn't his usual smile; he looked scared, but he was trying to hide it. There are certain things you can just tell after being someone's best friend for over 5 years.
"I'm not leaving you behind," I said stubbornly, staring Robin down.
"You have to. Please," He looked at me, dead serious. Under his mask of composure, I could tell he was scared to die. The younger boy was near tears and if I pushed him too much he'd cry.
"I can't- I won't lose someone else!" I shouted. My voice trembled tears welling up in my eyes at the thought of letting him die.
"You'll still make it if you go now," Robin said, gently shoving me towards an exit, turning away surely so I couldn't read his expression, so I wouldn't see his quivering lip and tears soaking his mask.

"No! I won't leave you behind!" I shouted at him, grabbing his arm.
"Well then we'll both die," he sighed dejectedly, slumping down on the probably very expensive and dangerous machinery we were hiding behind. He blinked quickly, trying to get rid of his tears.
"I- yeah, I guess so, huh?" I sat down next to him, staring at the ground.

"We've got 1 minute until this whole place blows."
"Any last words?" I asked jokingly, turning to look at him.

"No, but there is something I always wanted to do before I died," Robin smiled mischievously.

"What's that?" I asked, cocking my head to look at him.
Robin pressed his mouth against mine, smiling slightly into the kiss. At first, I was too shocked to do anything but once I got over the fact I was kissing my best friend I leaned into it and kissed him back.
When we pulled away we were both red in the face, whether it was from the heat or the kiss you'd never know.
"See you on the other side, Walls," he whispered, looking the smallest he ever had.
"I'll see you in heaven, love," I smiled, barely aware of his watch ticking the last 5 seconds of our lives.
The last thing I remember was his trademark smirk, diving to shield him best I could from the blast, a loud boom, an instant of pain, then nothing.

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