2: blackpink and ca

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♤: I'm gonna be biased since I am a blink but I'll try not to be

Okay so blackpink/lisa and ca, specifically the statue in on the set

Alright so, I feel like this was blown up a bit too much, and people are mostly using this as an excuse to hate bp/lisa even more. I'm not saying it's wrong to point it out nor am I saying it's wrong to email yg but it just doesn't sit right with how they handled it.

Some antis just used this as an excuse while others (not necessarily antis) were genuinely insulted by it and wanted it to be fixed. I get y'all don't like how your religion was used as an 'aesthetic' but don't use it as a reason to hate on lisa/BP.

you guys should hating on the people who put it on the set not Lisa or the girls because I'm sure she wasn't "oH pUT ThIs sTaTuE oF tHiS gOd (that's partially{?} related to thai culture) oN tHe fLoOr beCaUSE whY nOT?" yeah no..

I don't fully forgive them for it even though they removed it from the video, an apology would be nice yeah but I doubt we'll get one so imma move on from it.. and you probably should too.

and if you can't then that's not my problem...(and just incase in the future when I'm probably more popular and more people read this,,,and might be a bit immature I never mentioned any fandoms besides blinks and that's because I am one and I'm talking antis, and people who were genuinely insulted no one else.)

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