Chapter Five: Tract'r Tippin'

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"Liv!... Liv!" She was already hitting the button when she heard the voice. Liv let the door crank open with a smile.

"Evenin' Mater." She chuckled at the accent she let slip into her voice.

"Evenin' Liv!... What w's Ah... Oh right!" His tow line flicked in the air. "Ah was gonna go tractor tippin'... Wanna come with?" He manuevered himself so that the bed of him was lined up across the door. Liv laughed lightly.

"Like you even have to ask." She put one foot on his rear bumper, a hand clinging tight to the rusted back.. With a leap and a push, she was in the back. Liv grabbed hold of one of the support-beams that seemed welded to Mater's sides. He went slow- fast enough for Liv to feel a light wind, but not so fast that it was tearing her hair in front of her face.

"Woooooheeeeee!" Mater's call resounded out. "Hang on tigh'!" Liv gripped the beam as hard as she could. She was still nearly sent flying when Mater suddenly spun around. "Woooooo!!!!" His voice was nowhere near as loud as it could have been, but it was enough to send adrenaline surging through 

"HOLY CRAP-!" Mater picked up speed. He was now driving in reverse, his tow line pulled in more than usual so that it couldn't whip around and smack Liv upside the head. Mater drove through the forest just at the edge of town, laughing his head off while Liv's shocked exclamation tapered off. Her eyes were wide as the wind crashed against her.

Mater was still picking up speed. She was sure that, had she been younger, she would have screamed in a blind panic. But the worry quickly gave way to excitement. She refused to open her mouth, but the thrill was more than palpable. Mater kept wooping and hollering, never raising too high but still enough to cause a slight pain.

Liv was beaming by the time they burst through the forest's other side. Mater spun around. He slowed to a stop, laughing all the while.

"Now what'd ya think'ah that?"

".... Awesome!" Liv couldn't let go of the beam. She released the breath she had been holding. One hand actually pried free from the beam to rest on her chest. ".... Please tell me we're doing that again on the way back...!"

"Awww shoot! If ya wanna!... F'r now though...." He quieted. ".... Th' trac'ors 're sleepin'..." Liv grinned.

"Aren't you used to moving faster than that?" Fear. Liv froze, her joyful expression falling.

"Mater, I thought it was just gonna be us????" The truck sheepishly lowered his frame to the grass. Liv breathed in before forcing herself to let go of Mater, hopping to the ground a millisecond later.

"... Well... Ah jus' wan'ed t' have fun with my friends..." Liv sighed. She shook her head, waving a hand as she walked in front of Mater.

"I get you want to have fun... But next time, please let me know." Lightning drove into view, one eyebrow quirked.

"Seriously. Aren't you used to going faster than what Mater was driving?" He scoffed lightly. Liv glared for a moment, before turning to face the field. They were just outside the wooden fence, and beyond it lay acres and acres of tractors.

"Before we get to tractor tipping and you promise to never tell Sheriff you saw me, allow me to answer your question." Liv turned back to the two. Mater seemed enthralled, although she knew he'd heard this before. The guy was just too easy to entertain... But it was kind of fun at the same time. Lightning looked confused beyond any measure, and a slight bit annoyed. "Yes and no. My ability- what you considered speed- is actually... A few things."

"A few fun things!" Mater... Never change.

Liv ran a hand through her hair. Same consistency as yesterday... Note to self: take a shower at some point in the near future.

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