Extra Three: [Not a Short - Epilogue]

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Liv took a swig of her can of water. The night was still young. The stars echoed across the sky, daring any soul to question their existence. She shuffled in the sand, one foot dragging along the ground like a paintbrush on a canvas. The quiet crackle of rocks and pebbles clicking against one another was all that Liv could hear... Outside of the ticking.

She had gotten away from the town, using a few backroads and dirty paths to find this cliff overlooking the town- her town. Radiator Springs. Even at night, now, it glowed with a light of hope that Liv had long hoped to see in her own life.

And that was when she noticed. A faint noise at the edge of her hearing, quickly picking up. She shot to her feet, spinning around. No one. Nothing.- Wait. Liv didn't have the proper time to process the incoming blur until it had already crashed down near her. She covered her head as sand and dirt and rock all sprayed in every direction, like it had been a bomb.

When the spray died down, Liv dared to uncover her eyes.... And noticed a metal box on the ground. It was in a small hole, almost a pit that it had formed from falling to the ground. Her heart had picked up, racing at the concept that she had nearly lost her head there... Quite literally.

She took a step closer to the box. A device popped out the top. A flash popped across her eyes, and Liv covered them with a yelp. Everything had gone bright white, and now, it was all a weird purple-orange mix.- Like when you're recovering from staring at something bright for too long.

"Entity identified. Unlocking..." The device disappeared. Liv rubbed at her eyes, groaning quietly as the pain registered. What had that ev- wait. Entity identified?!- She took several steps back, only to feel the edge of the cliff. No rocks fell over the edge, but she was an inch away from a very painful demise.

Her eyes were locked on the box. It came open in a very strange manner- one section clicking out, another clicking in, warping in on itself and out like a puzzle box made by Satan. When the thing finally finished its transformation, it was an elongated metal platform... With straps, and a letter resting in the center. Liv cautiously approached, eyes locking onto the name on the letter.


She snatched it from the metal platform, doing her best to avoid actually touching the darn thing. The letter was paper... From what she could tell, natural- nothing mechanical, magical, or otherwise about it. Liv slowly unfolded the letter and read.

"Miss 'Liv'

You have been chosen for your abilities to join a very special sect of cars, handpicked for their talents and abilities across the world. This will not be an easy job, should you choose to accept it. There will be danger, possibly death, but you will be helping to make the world a better place.

Should you choose to accept, please put on the jetpack provided for further details.

-Toll Gear, American Division"

Liv folded the note back up, folding it further than it had been initially before putting it in her pocket. Joining some 'special sect' of cars?.... What was this, Spy Kids?

Still, she was curious... And if these cars had known her despite her secrecy.... Liv inhaled softly. She paced in front of the jetpack- apparently- for a few minutes, mulling over the options. She could get to know whatever the heck it was that somehow got tabs on her, or she could go on with her life knowing that her hiding had failed in the worst way.

Besides, it sounded like she was being offered a job as... What? A spy? An undercover operative? Whatever the case, it couldn't be any more dangerous than her life already.... Just imagining if she got found by the general populace... A shiver went down her spine.

"... You win, but just barely." Liv reached forward, closing her eyes. The jet pack's metal loops fit over her shoulders easily, before suddenly shrinking to a nearly painful fit. "What th-!?" Fire burst from the pack, and Liv was airborne. Her fear had left her mute.

"Next stop: C. H. R. O. M. E. Headquarters. Hello, agent Liv."


I was going to do another short, but I decided against it.- So instead, here's my take on us slowly (correction I'm throwing this in so fast) moving towards Cars 2. And yep, that's how I'm taking care of the 'Mater is a spy' plot. I hope you lot don't mind, it was the best I could come up with without having to do some crazy reworkings (although I will have to do some regardless).

So... Apologies, but I only did two Cars shorts. I would have done Hiccups, but after writing the Radiator Springs 500 one, I decided against.- And yep, these were all pretty short... I've already got the prologue set up for the next book, plus the cover art... So expect me to publish that in the near future!

Stay safe, stay sane, don't lick doorknobs.

See ya'll in Book Two: Spotlights! ^.^


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