Terms and Conditions

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By agreeing to this proposal, you are obliged to abide the following terms and conditions:

I. You must see your partner as a lover and treat him/her as such.

II. This is a confidential agreement and only the participants must know this.

III. Endearment or call-sign is allowed if both partners agree.

IV. Sending inappropriate media (i.e. pornography, nudes) are strictly prohibited. Sex over chat is also prohibited. This will immediately end the agreement.

V. Video-calls, voice messages, and communicating in other social media platforms are allowed.

VI. In the duration of the agreement, the partners must not engage in romantic relationships to other people. This will result to the end of the agreement.

VII. Lying to his/her partner, is prohibited. However, he/she may keep secrets.

VIII. Falling in love with your partner is strictly prohibited.

The agreement will end at the same time the quarantine due to the pandemic ends.


Estimada, Flame A.

Reyes, Shawn D.

Pang-Quarantine Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ