Lame Halloween Party

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Sarah's POV

"Thanks for picking me up guys." I say for the upteenth time. Steve shakes his head as he unbuckles. "It's no problem Sarah."

I nod and smile while I climb out of the car. We close the car's doors and walk up the street. There were cars lined up on the street leading to Tina's house.

After a bit of walking, we see the house. The windows are lit up and music is blaring from inside. I can see people through the windows, there's even a few people in the yard. That's a lot of people. Maybe it was a bad idea to come.

I look over at Steve and Nancy, dressed up as Joel and Lana from 'Risky Business', and smile a little. Nah, I think it's good I came. Now I can actually spend time with my friends and not worry for a change.

I run my hand through my hair and mess with my Gate Keeper costume as we walk up to the front doors. They're wide open so we just walk in. As we walk in, I'm bombarded with the smell of alcohol and sweat.

I grimace and cover my nose. Nancy does the same, but Steve seems in his element and smiles. Suddenly, the sound of cheering makes us look over at the back door.

"Billy! Billy! Billy!" I roll my eyes. Of course he's at this party. What's he done now? Billy followed by a crowd of people and accompanied by Tommy saunters up to us. He looks wasted, and he's shirtless.

Nancy scoffs and walks away. "We got ourselves a new keg king, Harrington." Tommy teases, making Steve glare at him. Billy looks over at me and nods, making some of the ash on his cigarette fall.

I subtly nod back at him, a greeting, making sure Steve doesn't see. Steve grabs my hand and drags me away from them. I look down at the ground as I try to hide my blush.

I notice when the carpet changes to tile. I look up and notice that we're in the kitchen. Nancy is next to a punch bowl, taking a large gulp out of a plastic cup.

"Hey whoa, whoa! Take it easy!" Steve says, letting go of my hand and rushing to Nancy. Nancy rolls her eyes and goes back for another swig. Better keep an eye on Nancy. I don't know how much she can handle, but it's probably not much.

"We're just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn't that the deal?" She asks, moving her cup around. She downs the rest of her drink and leaves us, walking into the sea of partiers.

I rub Steve's back as he slumps against the counter. I grab my own cup and fill it up halfway with whatever was in the punch bowl. Just enough to get me buzzed. I still need to go visit El after this. I take a sip and immeadiately recoil.

I spit whatever was in my mouth into the sink next to me. "Gah, so gross! What the hell is even in that!?" I yell, wiping my mouth. Steve raises an eyebrow and takes my cup. He takes a sip and makes a face.

"Wow, that's strong." He puts the cup down and stands up. He has a tired look on his face. I stick my hand out for him to take. "C'mon Steve, might as well have some fun." He gives me a small smile and lets me drag him into the crowd.

After a bit of dancing, we run into Nancy. She seems wasted. She's red in the face and dancing wildly, with a cup in hand. Steve and I dance with her for a bit, but when she starts to walk back to the kitchen we chase after her.

"Nance, you've had enough." I say calmy, veering her away from the kitchen. She smacks my hand away. "Screw you!"

She tries to get back to the kitchen, but Steve grabs her cup. "Nancy no." He scolds. She whines and starts to pull her cup out of his hand.

They basically play tug 'a' war with the cup. This can only end in disaster. I try to step in between them, but disaster strikes. Steve loses his grip on the cup making it hit Nancy when she pulls extra hard. It spills all over her sweater.

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