Chapter21💜ಥ_ಥ: The Bet

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"What did you tell her?!" Jungkook yelled at Sehun

"of course are little bet!" Sehun said smirking

"you wipe that smirk off your face! didn't tell her the other part did you" Jungkook yelled

"HAHA I was too scared that the kitten will get too scared," Sehun said laughing

"'why...YOU'RE MESSED UP" Jungkook said punching Sehun in the face

"S-STOP OUCH GET OFF OF ME!" Sehun said yelling at Jungkook

"what is going on?!" Jin said coming in

"Hyung..." Jungkook said letting go of Sehun

"you have fun explaining Jungkook!" Sehun said running out

"what does he mean Jungkook," Jin said walking to him

"i-... Jin... whatever I say please understand me and... dont get mad at me" Jungkook said wanting to cry...

"it's ok Jungkook your young we make mistakes... I made so many when I was your age now tell me" Jin said comforting Jungkook

"m-me and Jennie... weren't really in the first place," Jungkook said looking down

"what?!" Jin softly yelled

"i-i didn't have a girlfriend Jin... so I asked my secretary to be my fake girlfriend... Jennie... she said yes and from there we weren't a couple we were fake and at the mall, we weren't together at the time and Sehun took me somewhere else and told me he knew... he knew me and Jennie were fake so he made a bet..." Jungkook said regretting everything

"what type of bet?" Jin asked

"I would make Jennie fall in love with me if I don't then he can have her but... that's not all he said after I have her he can keep her in the basement look her up... r-r" Jungkook couldn't say the words

"r-rape her..." Jin said not wanting to say that work

"yeah... and he would not feed her or let her wear nice and comfy clothe," Jungkook said silently crying

" he forced me to have this bet! so he can do what he just did cause he knew I loved Jennie but I didn't know my feelings yet...and now Jennie is hurt" Jungkook said sad and angry

"what! so you're telling me he already told Jennie and didn't say the stuff he would do..." Jin said looking at him

"yeah..." Jungkook said as Jin got a text


Nayeon-shi🌻: where are you? you won't believe what Jennie just told me!

Jin-Oppa😎: It's all a misunderstanding! where are you guys I will explain it all when we get there

Nayeon-shi🌻: ...are you sure...

Jin-Oppa😎: Nayeon-shi, please

Nayeon-shi🌻: alright! we are at the beach house, I was in there and I saw Jennie running so we are here

Jin-Oppa😎: you didn't have to tell the whole thing...

Nayeon-shi🌻: I would be too lazy to tell you later

Jin-Oppa😎: alright we are coming

"come on Jungkook! you have a chance to explain to Jennie!!!!" Jin said getting up

"w-what how do you know I do?!" Jungkook said also getting up

"there at the beach house!! let's go!" Jin said running out of the house

[Jennie POV while Jungkook was talking to Sehun]

why?!... he used me just to win a stupid bet...h-he never loved me...ouch the hurts a lot my heart feels so so so...numb...

"JENNIE!!!!!" Nayeon said running to her

"U-Unnie..." Jennie said stopping

"w-why  *BIG sigh* are you running out so late," Nayeon said then noticing the tears in Jennie's eyes

"what happened?" Nayeon said worriedly

"J-Jungkook..." Jennie said then she explained the fake relationship, the Bet, and how she thought he used her

"oh Jennie... let me text Jin I can't believe he did this to you.." Nayeon said grabbing her phone

(after she texted Jin)

"he said he is coming... but with Jungkook," Nayeon said looking at a panic Jennie

"n-no! I am so sorry Nayeon! but I can't see his face right now!!" Jennie said but she was too late Jin and Jungkook came

"J-Jennie," Jungkook said breathless

"n-no I can't i-" Jennie didn't even finish her sentence and ran back to the place they were staying

"go for her Jungkook!!" Jin said out of breath as Jungkook just ran at full speed

(Jungkook pov) I didn't hear Jin but I knew he wanted me to run to her... I ran so fast I can feel my shoe's burning up. She went into the house I ran even faster she was about to close the door but then

"J-JENNIE!!" Jungkook said taking a be breather

"Jungkook p-please leave me ALONE!..." Jennie said sobbing the last part

"no... please just listen" Jungkook said following Jennie to there bedroom she closed the door on him

"fine! I will tell you here! I'm not going until you hear me!... because I love you so much I can't lose you" Jungkook said at the door

(Jennie POV) He l-loves me?... but he could be lying... but is he I can hear him cry a little then he started talking again...

"the bet... he didn't tell the whole thing!... He said how I win him to make you fall in love with me right..." Jungkook said hearing no response

"... here's what he would do if I didn't win...he would make you his... and he threatened me if he won he would keep you in the basement lock you up and...r-rape you... not give you any food...leave you i-in the cold and he knew I didn't know my feeling towards you yet so he planed this..." Jungkook said still with no response

"I Understand! if you still hate me I shouldn't have agreed to that bet it was a stupid bet... I was just scared that I would lose you...because I love you" Jungkook said getting up

"i-i will sleep in the beach house..." Jungkook said walking away but before he did Jennie open the door and ran to him jumped on him and kissed him

{the kiss was passionate but then it got hot they were both dominated to never let go... Jungkook broke the kiss and started to kiss Jennie's neck"

"ah-ah~" Jennie moaned

"you like that hm?" Jungkook whispered in her ear

"y-yeah ah~" Jennie said as Jungkook bit her ear

O-O... you know what that means on chapter 22... uhhh kids under uhhh hmmm... 13-18? umm, all I have to say is im not that mad if you read it... but that's up to your parents and uh-  if your all set then... get your Christan Chim Chim bible and some hobi water and pray to namjesus I hope I gave you a good warning and time to get those stuff ready...😏😏

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