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"Whats yours" he asked

"Troy"I replied

"Why are you here" I paused "Not to be mean just"I kept stumbling and he put his hand up

"I understand"he said nodding his head

"Well I was put into foster care at the age of seven I dont remember anything before that the Hophbrinks where the best foster family they died at the age if 10 and thats the longest ive ever been in a house"

"But im still-"I was cut off

"Oh and im just staying here till monday" he finished"Till I get a new foster family"

"Ohh what happened to your other  foster families"

"They die,disappear,move away dissown me. you know the usual reasons" he said super sarcastic

"Hahah" we started laughing

"But thats sad why di they disown you" I asked mellowing the mood again

"I dont know but if you think about alk if this you'll think who goes through 15 families in one year but ehh people have it worse "he said mumbling off with this deep thought on his face

He started again but really cheery "I wish that I was that kid that kid that find the perfect family but you mabey im just that kid thats always gonna be a 'hoppin kid'." he did air quotations wuth his finger when he said a hopping foster

"Do you know who you are going to have next" im pause,"let me reword that do you know whos your next foster family?"

"Yes and no I asked for the Hartmans because they dont have alot of kids and the two kids they do have one of my best friend from a previous foster family there"


"Why did your family adopt a baby?"

"My Parents Wanted One and my mom 'did not want to go through the pain'" i did air quotes around the last parts

"Why this" he mimicked what I did

"Because its really hard for my mom to get pregnant" I paused "they really didnt want that big age gap" I stoped but

He looked so I sighed and kept going the age gap between me and twins is big what im in 8th grade"

he interrupted "Hey me to"

"Really"Iasked a little bit fake

"Yeah" he replied laid back

"Cool" I said thinking back to where I was "Where was I" I asked

"You are in 8th-" he started but I cut him off "Ohh yea and the twins are In 3rd grade thats a five years of them having sex trying to make a baby so I guess they're trying to speed things up " I knew he understood when he start nodding his head

"Imma clean my room tommorow" i said there is barely anything wrong with it but I know ill need somthing to do" 

"Are we goig to sleep now"

"Noo" "What you want to watch" I said walking over to my DVD cases

"You have Twilight" surprised he asked

I screamed "I love twilight"

"Which one is your favorite"I asked happier than before "mine is The second one, team Jacob from day one " I blurted out a little exited

"Mine is the first one its so sweet and buy the way" he got quite "Im team Edward" he screeched hurting my ears

"Ughh Edward is ugly" me putting Edward down

"Jacob ugly da fuck" he said asking to die

"Jacob is so fucking sexy especially when he had his hair" me looking up and holding my shirt

"Boy by edward will be jacob ass anyday"I looked down and back at him

I yelled and clapping with every vowel"Oh naww lets not go there Edward know his place he never challenged jacob"

"We are watching all of them alright"I said sgrabing my cover and sitting next to him on the couch

"If you say so" he said and laid back

No Emotions 1212 [Put on hold for Revision Issues]Where stories live. Discover now