Chapter 2

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"I am leaving, I'll find my way home myself", I said as I stood up". "No you can't leave", she said. "As you can see I am going", I replied as I was heading to the entrance of the cave." No, I mean there's no place for you to go unless you have found the door to the other side", she said. "What door? you mean the door I came in through?", I asked. "Yes, that door", she said. "Ok then tell me where it is because it disappeared when I came through it", I said. "If you promise to calm down I will take you to the door, but know that the door will not take you to the world that you desire instead it will take you to where you were before you came here but apparently you still have to take your right-----",she said as I interrupted her. "Yeah, yeah rightful place on the throne and blah, blah but look,…. You have the wrong princess here and why would Alahan be in danger?", I asked. " You should sit down if you want an explanation", she said. I stared at her in defiance but she stared back with a daring look in her eyes. At the end she won and I went to sit not too far from her. "Start talking then", I said. "Alright, Alahan has been at war with the kingdom of Neon and we have been weak since our king died and his wife fled away with his children, the heir to the throne, Princess Sonia was prophesied to return to us and help us fight the battle against Neon. You are Princess Sonia, daughter of King Barnard II and Queen Tina of Alahan. Your name is not Suzanne sweetheart you are Sonia.

I stared at her like she was crazy then laughed so hard tears threatened to fall. "Tell me you are joking, that is ridiculous", I said after I managed to calm down. "No it is not a joke your highness", she said. We looked at each other for a while, then I asked, "Are you the only one left in Alahan or what?". "No our people are on the other side of the door", she said." How did you find me huh? and how did you transform from animal to human, all this stuff is really driving me crazy", I said rubbing my head." "We have powers and abilities on Alahan, you have been prophesied to have the most powerful, supernatural and extraordinary powers.", she said. " Alright if I win the battle or whatever will I get to go home?", I asked. "Not exactly, your mother and your two sisters will come back home and you will rule until you bare a successor to rule when you die", she said. "Damn!, this is just not right at all, NOT RIGHT!", I screamed loud, my voice echoing all around the cave. "You have to take me back to Canada because I have exams on Monday and I don’t want to miss it please I beg you", I said as I began to really panic. "I need you to calm down and listen to me, a lot of people are depending on you so you have to show that you aren't weak and you can actually save them from the tragic situation that they are in", she said with a very serious expression on her face.

"Fine , alright I will fight the battle but promise that my mother and sisters, Dona and Wendy will come and join me because I really have to see them again", I said. "Yes my princess we shall go to the door right now so that you begin training with the rest of the warriors and I promise to send for your sisters and mother to come back immediately after we win, we have so long been waiting for this day.", she said. We started heading outside and I noticed that it was dark. The night sky here was spectacular, the constellations were clearly seen and the stars seemed closer than ever shining with a perfect violet. Gazelle brought the lantern with her as we headed east. We walked for quite some time until we reached an oak tree. Gazelle pressed a kind of button on the tree trunk and it opened slightly in the middle. A soft glow of light peeped through the crack. The light grew brighter as the crack in the trunk opened wider. When the light was bright and the opening in the trunk was wide enough for both of us to enter , Gazelle took my hand and led me in, as we stepped into the light, the last thing I heard was, "…..and your step sister will be thrilled to see you again", as the light consumed us.
We walked out a door and I recognised it to be the door I walked in through. Gazelle and I walked down the street and that's when I notice that there are people in those other houses. "Gazelle, why are people living in the other houses but the door of the house I walked in through led me to another world?", I asked. Still walking she looked back at me and replied, "The door you entered was actually a normal door but we made you  believe an illusion, the place that we came from was actually the jungle of Azora. We made you believe you walked in through the door to the jungle because we thought you would never find the jungle, in this case it was an easier way to lead you to me".

" I and the rest of our people have abilities so we came together to form that illusion.", she said. " Oh ok but why was I led to you?", I asked. She smiled and said, "You ask too many questions my princess". "Just answer my question because I want to know", I said. "Ok, I was one of the most faithful and trustworthy servant when your father was still alive, I was young at that time so the people trusted me to be the first person you meet and explain why you should fight for Alahan.", she said still walking. "Oh", I said. We walked for a while in silence then a question popped into my head and I asked, "Can you tell me what you meant when you said my step sister will be thrilled to see me again, do I really have a step sister?", I asked but she ignored my question and kept walking.

We got to a type of castle-like mansion, everywhere looked so beautiful and colourful. I liked the place already, when the doors of the entrance of the castle opened, I was surprised to see so much people in one place. "Your highness!", they all said as I entered. To be honest I was shocked when they all bowed down to me. Gazelle led me to a stairway, the castle on the inside looked to have at least fifty rooms or so and a big hall and a ball room too. Gazelle led me to a room that was ten times bigger than the room I had back home. There were two girls dressed in the same garment, one held a pack of folded clothes that looked to be for training the other one held a bow and arrows. Gazelle looked at me and looked to the two girls and said, "These are your clothes and your weapons, you will start training in two weeks time… for now, Marlin…", and a young girl came from a room not too far to the right, she was beautiful with dark chestnut brown eyes and dark blonde hair, she looked to be few years younger than me. "Marlin meet Sonia your step sister", Marlin looked me at from my hair to the tomys I wore and it made me quite uncomfortable.

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