Chapter 3

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"It is good to finally see you again dear sister", Marlin said. "Nice to meet you too,uhm… Marlin.', I said. Gazelle looked at us like she was pleased to see that we were getting along and she said, "Now we must leave our princess to sleep, she has a big day tomorrow to see the palace and meet the people of her kingdom so she needs all the rest she can get". The two girls that wore the same garments left what each of them were holding on a table beside a queen-sized bed. One of the girls went into a room on the left and brought out what looked to be pyjamas. While I was observing all of this I noticed Marlin was staring at me the whole time, watching me. I decided to let it go because I have yet to know her and maybe that is how she is when people move into the castle. They all left the room and I stood at the edge of the bed debating on seating or lying on it. When I got tired of standing, I sat on the bed and it was very comfortable. I stood up again and went to the room on the left and found out it was a bathrooom with its own indoor pool. To be honest I thought that was cool. I stripped off my clothes and dived into the pool. To my surprise it was actually warm, after some time washing my long chestnut brown hair and my body I got out of the pool and dried myself up. The pyjamas were comfortably my size with sleeping pants and a sweater, I left the bathroom and went straight to bed, immediatly my head touched the pillow darkness took over once more leading me into my constant dream, a diamond necklace.

I woke up feeling energetic so I went to the pool to bathe again. After bathing I left the bathroom and put on my training clothes and took hold of my weapon. I had enough energy that very moment so I got ready for training rather than waiting for weeks to arive. While I was still checking myself out, one of the maid-servant from yesterday came to inform me that breakfast is served in the family dinning room but before I could respond to say that I dont know where the family dinning was, she had already closed the door and left. That means it was a quest for me to find the family dinning room myself so I finished checking myself out and left the room. I got to a hallway and decided to take the left, I was looking at my arrows when I bumped into a hard chest, the impact sent me staggering back. I looked up to see who I had bumped into and the air left my lungs at the sight of the beauty infront of me. "I am so sorry, I did not see you coming", he said.  "No, no it was my fault, I should have been watching where I was going but I was too distracted with my weapon", I said with a little laugh. "Its alright, I am Andre", he said as he brought out his hand for me to shake.


I was too distracted by his eyes which were a deep crystal green and his hair that was slicked back, his strong jaw and his thin lips and lashes that casted a shadow over his eyes. He took back his hand thinking I was not going to shake it but I said, "Oh I am sorry, I was distracted, I am uhm…Sonia", I said bringing my hand out for him to shake. When our hands met a jolt of electricity shot through me and I felt dizzy all of a sudden as we stood there and stared at each other. "Umm…I have to go", I said as I walked past him. I stopped and asked, "Do you know where the family dinning room is?". I looked back at him and he smiled and I noticed a dimple on his left cheek . "Well you are heading the wrong way, come and I'll show you, I'm heading there too", he said. I turned back around and we walked to the right side of the hallway for few minutes until we came to a huge door and Andre opened it for me and I enterd. The place was amazing with two chandeliers that hung over a large long rectangular dinning table that had seats for 12 people or so. The table was set up with different kinds of food from a roasted turky in the centre to berries and pastries in plates and glass bowls all around the table. Andre led me to a seat at the side of the table and I sat down while he took the seat next to mine.

Then Gazelle, Marlin and some other people I did not know but assume to be part of the family came into the dining room and they all sat down. Gazelle came to my seat and told me to stand up, I stood up and she led me to a chair made to look like a throne at the head of the table and told me to sit down, I sat and she went  and got seated. Then a man stood up, he looked to be maybe in his late sixties and said,"As we all know our princess, princess Sonia has returned back to us as prophesied, in two week's time she shall begin training with the rest of the warriors". I raised my hand in order to ask a question and they all looked at me like I did  something absured and Gazelle asked,"Is there something wrong my princess?". "Umm…no, its just that I don’t know most of you in this room, I wont mind for some introductions from everyone if that is possible and I want to begin training today", I said.

Gazelle looked at the others for confirmation and they all nodded in approval. A man with dark blonde hair stood up, cleared his throat and said, "I am Simon the older brother to the king's wife Queen Tina, in other words I am your uncle and it's such a pleasure seeing you again, princess and he sat down. Another man stood up and said, I am Auther one of the king's men when he was still alive and it is an honour to see you my princess". After he sat down I noticed that Simon looked a lot like my mom, she once told me she had a twin brother and I did not believe but now I do because they have the same blonde hair and bright blue eyes. The introduction kept on going until it was Andre's turn to speak and he said, "I am Andre, an orphan who was brought and raised in the king's castle, I've been trained to fight for Alahan and I shall be fighting by your side during the war. He sat down and smiled at me."Well that is enough, our princess must eat so that she begins training", Gazelle said. I started eating and I enjoyed every bit of food I ate and I also enjoyed the fact that Andre kept watching me the whole entire time. When breakfast was over, I was led by one of the castle guard to the training hall. Andre was at the entrance of the training hall, he looked charming in his training clothes which were a white vest that was under a leather waist-coat and brown trousers that was fastened by a black leather belt. The guard escorted me to the door where Andre stood expectedly staring at me, the guard went back leaving me with him. "Umm… arent you going to show me in", I said after a moment of staring at those beautiful deep crystal green eyes. "Why, of course", he said, "shall we". He opened the door and we walked in, the place looked magnificient. I was surprised to see girls my age training with arrows and all other sorts of weapons because I expected to see only men or boys training. This gave me motivation to actually fight for Alahan and win the battle, I felt that I could do it. The place had pillars every seven to eight feet from where I stood and was lit by lanterns which were placed on the walls to produce enough light around the hall. I still wonder why we are even training if we can just use our powers to fight Neon, so I made a mental note in my mind to ask Gazelle after training
At one side of the big training hall was a perfect place for me to target my arrow on but I did not know how to use an arrow and that might be a problem if I have to fight on the battle field. I walked up to that side of the hall and I took aim, I felt stupid because I have never shot an arrow before. I aimed for the centre circle and I let the arrow fly, I watched as it hit the target perfectly at the center and led out a cry of joy. Everyone at that time had been watching me with a look of astonishment, that’s when I noticed that Marlin was in the training hall too. She did not have the look that other trainers had on their faces for me, but she looked a bit jealous. I looked away from her and aimed again, this time the arrow pierced through the arrow I shot before, I was amazed and thought maybe I actually had powers. I put down the arrow and took a sword thinking that I might be good with the sword too, I swung it around me, pretending to fight with someone." Looks like you need a partner, huh", Andre said as he walked up to me. "I guess so,maybe you can help me learn to use a sword since I've already mastered the bow and arrow". I said. "lunge at me with the sword", Andre said." Are you crazy I might hurt you". "Just do it"." Ok", I said. I swung the sword hard to his rib cage praying in my heart that I do not kill him but to my surprise he blocked it with ease. The look of shock showed clearly on my face." Haha did you actually think that I will stand still while you hit me, I've been training for years and those years of practise did alot for me", he said. "Well if you can teach me some of those moves I'll greatly appriciate it" I said batting my eyelashes. "Let me think about it but if---. "Umm Andre I need some help with my bow, it does not fit well on me anymore, do you think you can fix it?", Marlin interrupted.

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