4°| You look Tensed

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*caution:- triggering scene ahead*

"Yeah but you make it look easy" he huffs folding his arms like a kid that wasn't allowed in a zoo. I giggle quietly to myself and add little details and finishing touches to our painting.

Well more like I did the painting while Zeke blabbed about anything and everything. He went from talking about celebrities to painters.

"I just always painted, let's say my parents don't like me idle". Mom and dad could be pressuring sometimes but it's for the best. They just want the best for me. Ryder and Raven both had to go through it so it's my turn. Raven schools in Europe at the moment studying law.

"Hmm..."he hums, "can I ask you something?"

My hearts begin to thump violently in my chest.

He noticed a fault.

He saw something wrong in your ugly face.

Probably the zit you didn't cover up properly.

I panicked averting my gaze from his, my hands slightly shaking in fear. He noticed and placed his hands on my shoulder causing me to flinch, "are you ok? You look a bit tensed" He asks sounding like he genuinely cares.

I look tensed.

I l...look tensed.

I don't look normal.

Maybe he could see passed your terribly dyed hair.

Or maybe he saw your uneven lashes.

Sweat trickled at the side of my face and I wipe it immediately. My hands are starting to feel clammy. I stood up from the stool and quickly grabbed my bag informing the teacher that I need to go to the toilet. She excuses me and I ran to the girls bathroom.

I get into a toilet stall and sat on the closed toilet seat, my breathing raspy and heart banging in my chest.

I walked up to the mirror and stared at my ugly face.

You're so ugly

Your mascara hasn't been done properly

You're getting fat

You would never be as pretty as the other girls.

I pull onto my hair and cry out in pain. Clenching my teeth, I brought out the little razor I keep in my bag and pierce it through my thumb. I yelp in pain and fall onto the hard floor.

Breathe. In. Out.




I started heaving as I felt the sudden urge to throw up. I vomited literally all I ate this morning and felt my stomach empty.

I grabbed the water bottle in my bag and gulped down the whole bottle, kneeling and calming myself down.

I run water on the fresh cut wincing at the harsh sting and rinsing my face. My make up washes off onto the sink with mixture of colours black and cream splashes all over.

I look up to my face in the mirror again and then my hideous reflection stares right back at me.

You're face is ridiculous.

You're ugly.

I dry my face and began to start redoing my make up again. I applied my foundation and lipstick, then went to my mascara and added my false lashes. After a minute of checking on my make up and ensuring everything is done perfectly, I smoothen my blonde hair and made sure it looked perfect.

It has to be perfect. I have to be perfect.

I took in a deep breathe and added a little more make up before grabbing my bag and heading out of the bathroom.

I stopped at my locker to drop my bag in as the bell already went off. I look at myself in the mirror on my locker and tried to make sure everything blended properly. I had to get a bandage on my wounded finger that still stung.

Great job Rhia, your finger looks as ugly as your face now.

I plucked the stray hair out of my eyebrow and strutted to the nurses office. People stared at me which makes my bladder instantly full. What fault did they see now? I subconsciously adjust my plaid skirt and played with my "diamond" necklace. I feel so cheap wearing something so fake. As long as no one noticed, I'm fine.

A girl passed by me with perfect lips which I instinctively brought out my lipgloss and rolled it over my lip. I bet she is mocking my lip, mine has to be perfect too.

"And how did you say you got the cut again?"the nurse asks which I tense up at.

"Er...um...I was trying to um.... I slit it with the knife at cookery by..um...accident" averting my gaze, I look around the small school's clinic.

I'm not really the best liar so I hope she bought my white lies.

She clean it up and wrapped it in a bandage. I thank her and walked out bumbing into the door. I groan, checking my forehead for any blister before moving on.

I got a few things out of my locker and checked myself in the mirror, adjusting my hair and smacked my lips together. A tall figure stands behind that looks like the guy from art class reflects on my mirror.

I turn back to look at him, his Adam's apple gulping up before he spoke,"I came to check up on you. You seemed...um...upset earlier." He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.


"So... how are you doing?" He asks pursing his thin pink lips in anticipation.

I shut my locker and fold my arms together, " I'm good actually. I just..."

"Babe!" I was cut short by Leo who pranced towards me and places his arm around shoulder and placing a wet kiss on my cheek. I shudder a little but thankfully he didn't notice.

Zeke raised an eyebrow at him while Leo glared at him. "And who is your friend?"

"He is my partner in art class, Zeke" I turn to Zeke to see he was already looking down at me, making me feel shorter than I really am.

"Zeke this is my..um..."

"Boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend. So you better get that in yourdamn head" he snarls trying to seem intimidating to Zeke but he just stands there with an unamused look plastered on his face.

Zeke shrugs and turns to me, "you're good, yeah?" He asks.

I glanced at Leo with him glaring at Zeke and responded quickly, " yeah".
Which he nods and walks off.

Once he was gone, Leo roughly pushed me towards my locker, placing his hands on both sides of my head, leaning so close that our noses were touching.

"Your mine, ok? Stay away from any guy that isn't me or else I'll chop his balls and feed it you, you get me?" I gulp and nodded which he smirks at and places his soft lips on mine harshly.

Then he slapped my butt and walks off. Oh dear lord.

I get to my car and drive to the dance studio to calm my nerves.

No matter how hard it is, talking to someone who cares would make you fee so much better.

How was it? And who else hates Leo. I know I wrote the book but still, I hate his guts.

• Who has that one friend that always checks up on you(I know I don't :| )


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