Itty Bitty Bit

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Wooyoung didn't like eating, didn't want to, and thinks he never will. It had started some years ago with him not eating as much. Then, he would skip meals. Eventually, he just stopped eating altogether.

He simply didn't do it.

So, once again, he was sat at the lunch table while his friends picked off his tray. As per usual, San offered him his cookie, Wooyoung accepting. He never ate it, only accepted it. No one else took the cookie, leaving it as it was the only food item Wooyoung willingly would take. When his friends gave him food he would accept it, and they never pushed.

As Wooyoung sone day brought up the courage to try to eat a bit of the cookie, he heard snickering behind him.

"Look at how skinny he is!"

"I know! It's gross!"

He froze. All he had managed was a small nibble of enough to taste the cookie. Why couldn't people just leave him alone?

They made fun of him when he gained weight.

Made fun of him when he lost it.

Wooyoung knows it's impossible, that there will always be someone, but he just wants people to leave him be. If only for a moment.

San noticed Wooyoung slowly put the cookie down. "Are yo-ou al-al-right?" Wooyoung shook his head. "D-d-do yo-u wan-n-n-t me t-to fin-n-nish it?" Wooyoung looked down. "Yes please..." He whispered.

You weren't allowed to leave the table if there was still food on your tray.

"Is everything okay?" Seonghwa asked, San shooting him a smile. "H-h-he's jus-st f-f-full!" An understanding nod from the oldest and no more qeustions. Wooyoung would tell them when he was ready.

Wooyoung could feel the eyes on him, it was the same girls from before. They always found something to talk about, their conversations always picking at someone. Wooyoung knew reasonably not to pay them any mind, but it seemed impossible in practice.

"I mean it isn't that hard!"

"I know, just put the food in your mouth! Geez!"

An extremely uncomfortable feeling washed over him, tears coming to his eyes. What do they know? He thought to himself. They don't understand at all!

Everyone noticed Wooyoung being unusually quiet. Each of the boys were worried, but they knew he'd tell them in due time. "Guys can we go?" Wooyoung spoke up. They all understood what he meant.

The closet.

When the nurses weren't looking, they snuck off. coming to the door they associated with safety. But when Mingi opened it, something magical happened.

It opened to the mansion library, their favorite room.

Completely baffled, Mingi closed the door. "What's wrong?" Yeosang asked, clasping his hands together. "I think I'm hallucinating from lack of sleep..." But as Seonghwa opened the door widely, they knew that wasn't the case.

Sounds of amazement and surprise went around the group, eyes wide, jaws dropped. Taking a tentative step, Seonghwa was the first to enter the room. "It... It seems fine guys." He said, the others slowly following him into the room filled with books.

After travelling through the mansion, the layout exactly as they described, they found the kitchen. These growing boys had just eaten, but they were hungry once more.

Going through the cupboards and fridge, they found all their favorite snacks. Chips, candy, drinks, and more all throughout the room. Everyone picked out something, everyone but Wooyoung, who just sat dow at the table without picking something.

While the others munched on snacks, Wooyoung sat watching. San came over, offering him a single cookie. Suddenly, Wooyoung was extremely aware of how hungry he was.

And for once, he was hungry just an itty bitty bit.

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