Chapter 2: Hideaway

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[3rd POV]


Faint sounds of rushing water. 'Where am I..?' Was her first thought.

She blinks a few times until she can see clearly. The ground she was on still had that dark shade of blue. The place she was on had a small space though unlike a while ago where she walked an endless path. As she regained most of her senses she notices the sounds of rushing water were on one of the walls. The source must be behind it.

She walked to the wall. When she reached out to touch it- a portion of the wall lifted up, along with the water...

The monster stepped outside to see that the sound was indeed a rushing waterfall. Behind it was a secret entrance yet it was empty. After looking around some more, she realized that this was the last waterfall she saw before passing out. She must've gone in the secret passage while doing so.

She tests the waterfall, stepping fully out of the entrance. The passage closed. She takes a few steps back then goes running straight to the entrance- it responded quickly and opened for her to run inside.

Satisfied, she takes note to visit this place and use it as a hiding spot perhaps. She leaves the secret passage, putting her hood over her head, enough to hide half her face in the shade.

Strolling through the underground she discovers that the west of Waterfall was a snowy terrain. The first thing she sees is a very foggy forest. Fog so dense, making her anxious. After walking straight ahead, the view became clearer and beyond the fog is a little town. She has to keep her guard up while laying low.

She crosses several buildings. Bars, houses, stores. She had to not observe too much though or else she'll look sketchy. She encounters a large sign that says 'Welcome to SNOWDIN.' Snowdin must be the name of the little town then and this is the entrance.

She continues on with the path to the west and puts a hand on top of her hood while passing some people.

A conversation of a few town folks gathered and she can't help but overhear their discussion after a certain word.


.. She decides to eavesdrop by hiding behind a building.

"What was that again?"

"Are you sure the pale skin monster the bunny saw was a vampire?"

"We can never be sure but the most reasonable case if the monster was a vampire, is that they killed and absorbed Vek's soul- gaining his form and abilities."

"That sounds too far don't 'cha think?"

"But then again, if the rascal's hiding then they're probably plotting something."

"So there's a murderer on the loose.."

"We have t-"

She can't listen to this anymore. Her tears are welling up. Her heartbeat seems to get faster and it seems like she's sensing an impending doom or danger by them.

'Are they talking about me?' Her thoughts were clouding her mind. If she shows her face to the world now, she'll probably be witch-hunted. She wipes her tears off and runs away- going back to the Waterfall. Her purpose to stroll more was to clear her mind off- but it ended up to her discovering more fear into this reality.

Her running back into the Waterfall led her to see that same secret passage. And without thinking, she went in again. She holds her mouth and curls into a ball, trying to calm down and think.

"I-it isn't murder, right?" She tries to convince herself using his words as a reminder. Accident. It was an accident. Yet no one has proof of anything. People will pick the majority more than one stance. And right now majorities are rumors.

"They're all just damn rumors."

So what can she exactly do now? She's all alone against words of many. They... 'They don't have to know.' The grip on her hair loosened and her eyes opened. She can do what she always did, hide in the shadows. Remain unknown, a secret. How will she live? She could just wear her cloak every time she has to go out. Currency..? She'll find a way.


She looked around the small mystery cave. A hideaway...

"I can live here."


[Chapter Summary]

The same orphan monster who fainted from last chapter woke up in the place where you find the ballerina tutu in Undertale. She decided to roam around more but hear the rumors and she got more scared lmao. She goes back to the hideaway then decided to live there pff.

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