Chapter 1

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While walking to school, I try processing everything that happened today morning. My day started like any other day. After my father's death, my family consists my mother, my grandma and my elder sister.
I woke up to the noise of cabinets being opened and closed, which was a part of my daily life as we live in a small trailer and no noise can be hidden in here.

As I was sitting for breakfast my grandma said," Well, a your mom and I have something to share with you."

My grandma was a very serious woman and spoke very less. Therefore, when she started speaking I braced myself for any harsh news. We have been facing police interrogations and being humiliated by people constantly after my father's death, therefore I was prepared to take any news related to my father.

"After your father's death, your mother faced the blow which your father deserved. He had taken a lot of loans and he owed a lot of people. Your mother spent all the money she saved throughout her life on repaying this debts."

There was silence in the trailer which was so rare that it was scary. Every second seemed like a whole forever as I waited for what was next.

"Now our family can't afford to stay in Falmouth. We will have to move to your uncle's farm where he can give us shelter and we can help in the family business to save neough money to finish your higher studies."my mother finished.

When I thought life couldn't get worse , this was what I got. I had to go somewhere far from my friends, who were the only thing that was good in my life was going to go out of my life probably for forever. The town I grew up in and loved even if at times it wasn't exactly the place people would prefer.
While thinking about all of these, the walk to school seemed like it lasted for hours and not minutes. Just as I was entering the premises Chris Willis, one of my only and best friends came crashing towards me.

"Well guess what, we are going treasure-hunting in that old house that is supposedly haunted on Halloween with costumes that I am proudly sponsoring!"said Willis.

Before I could resist or even say anything Chris started pulling me down the hallway towards our usual meeting spot to plan our perfect Halloween.
Little did we kniw at that time it will be the worst and most horrifying halloween the town of Falmouth has ever witnessed.

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