Chapter 2

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I was standing with Molly when Chris literally dragged Cary towards us. Excitement was evident in my brother's eyes.
He was the best brother I could ever wish for. As we both tried nit miusing our money and end up like our parents, he was my anchor and my guide. Keeping me going and protecting me from everyone. When we were children, mom would argue with dad and get drunk. I was always the victim and Chris would protect me from her and cry while trying to make my bruises go away. He was always a big brother, a shield for me.
From today morning Chris was excited about something yet refused to tell me or Molly what it was. However, the look on Cary's face told that he knew the reason.

"So Cary, why don't you go ahead and tell Chloe and Molly what I told you outside?"

"So you didn't tell them yet. Ok, so Chris has planned a treasure hunt in that abandoned house and managed some costumes for the four of us for Halloween." Cary explained.

"Yes!! And then we could sleep over at The Manor house and enjoy some time together on Halloween. We could tell ghost stories and stuff like childhod. What do you think Chloe?" Chris added.
The Manor house was one of the many estates owned by our parents and currently our home. From childhood we four used to escape all our problems and spend time together there. The pleasant memories made all four of us smile together, showing that we were thinking the same thing.

"Of course. That sounds fun except the treasure hunting part. I mean is it really necessary to go that house?" I replied.
I didn't want to admit but that house was my worst nightmare. And so was the owner of the neighbouring house, Mr. Thistle.

"Aww! Chloe are you scared?" Chris teased.
"Please agree to it Chloe. It really sounds fun!" Molly added.
"Okay! I will go but there is one condition. We are not going to stay in that weird house long." I replied.
"Hmm. Okay!" Chris agreed.
Before I could do anything Chris pulled me into a bear hug.

"This is going to be our best Halloween ever!" Cary chimed. Something in his voice indicated that he was sad but it was soon gone as we four pulled into a group hug just as the bell indicating the first class rang. The thought of being in The Manor house, carefree like a child was keeping us four going again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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