Would you miss me? - Roman angst

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Cw: Suicidal thoughts, mentions of ways to commit suicide, and Virgil being kind of accidentally unsympathetic, but that wasn't the intention behind it, implied prinxiety(? it can be seen as either platonic or romantic

I wasn't feeling my best when I wrote this, I haven't been feeling good at all for a while, so this might not be the best... 


All the sides were sitting down on the table eating dinner as per usual, except today Roman seemed awfully quiet, which is extremely unusual for the prince, he always seemed to have a story, opinion or comment to share with the others.

Virgil sighed turning his head to look at Roman who was just staring at his plate of food and stabbing the vegetables with his fork "You ok there, dude?" He asked

Roman flinched at the question "Uh, yeah, yeah... I'm fine, just thinking" he lied

"About what?"

"Everything..." Roman sighed

"Are you still mad about what Janus said?" Patton softly asked

Roman's grasp on the fork tightened "No" he lied again, this time being obvious to the others

"You know he didn't really mean it... Right?"

Roman sighed and Virgil gave Patton the 'stop talking' look

"Well, ok then, let's change the subject!" Patton smiled "So, Logan, how's your day been?"

Logan quietly looked at Patton quite surprised at the question "It's been quite all right, how has your day been, Patton?" He figured Patton didn't really care about how his day actually went, he just needed to start a conversation.

"Actually, really good! I was watching this video about cats and..." Patton's voice started to fade, Roman could only hear his own breathing at that point, his head hurt and his heart felt like it was about to run out of his chest, he felt someone touching his shoulder and suddenly his hearing came back

"Roman, Patton asked how your day's been," Virgil said concerned

His day had been awful, his thoughts were as loud as ever and he just wanted to end it all, but he couldn't really tell them that, could he? "Oh, it's been... Okay, I guess... Thanks for asking"

Virgil and Patton shared a concerned glance, Roman just focused on his food, Logan and Patton continued to talk, Logan seemed to be more quiet than usual, but still replied to Patton's comment the same way he always did, it just felt forced to Roman, like Logan didn't really want to be there, he couldn't blame him though, he himself didn't want to be there either, Virgil just ate and eventually chimed in to make his usual snarky remarks

"Virge..." Roman pulled the sleeve of Virgil's hoodie to grab his attention, Logan and Patton weren't paying attention to them, they were instead chatting about Thomas adopting a pet, or something like that, Roman wasn't paying attention to what they were saying either.

"Yeah, what's wrong, Ro?" Virgil softly asked

"Would you miss me if I were to die?" Roman asked

"What?" Virgil looked surprised at the question "Die? How? You are a side Roman, you can't die, at least there's no way that I know of" he replied in a relaxed manner "If I knew how I would've tried it a long time ago" he snickered

"I can stop doing my job and slowly disappear"

"Ducking out? I already tried that," Virgil looked at Logan and Patton "trust me, they wouldn't let you"

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