The War Ends

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He looked around as he lowered his wand, everything was silent but he could see people celebrating the defeat of the most powerful dark wizard of all time. He could tell some were cheering while others were crying. He felt he could have stood there, deaf to everything, for hours but he felt two strong grips pull him away. He followed a bushy haired figure and a flaming red haired figure through the school hallways until they reached an empty classroom where they stood facing each other silently. The silence was broken when a small sob escaped Ron. Harry made to comfort him but stopped when he saw Hermione go as well. He smiled inwardly as he remembered their passionate kiss after they went into the chamber of secrets earlier that day. Ron was sitting on the floor leaning against it while Hermione hugged him and held him close. Harry felt awkward for a moment but then Ginny came in with tears streaming down her face, he walked towards her and embraced her in a tight hug letting her tears darken and drench his t-shirt. After what seemed forever like this, Bill, Percy and Charlie found them and they too sat on the floor holding each other's hands as they thought with tears trickling onto their freckled running noses. Soon after Mr and Mrs Weasley came in and sat on two chairs next to each other holding hands sobbing as quietly as they could. Finally, George came in. The lone half of a pair had puffy red eyes and a soaked t-shirt with tears. The Weasley's all stood and silently walked towards him then, as if in sync, hugged him in the same exact moment. George pulled away and to everyone's surprise said "Fred would have said that we look like a fire from above." Everyone smiled some chuckling and George disappeared back into the family hug. Then Mrs Weasley broke away and hastily said "I'll be right back, wait here." And with that she disapparated, the apparition wall had been taken down so that families could come to grieve. The Weasleys broke apart and everyone looked around confused. Harry finally broke the silence.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry," he choked out, "this is all my fault, all of it."

"No, you did what you have to, come here Harry" Mr Weasley said opening his arms wide inviting Harry to hug him. Relieved Harry obeyed and cried into Mr Weasley's arms.


They had all fallen asleep in each other's arms when they awoke to a loud crack and Mrs Weasley appeared holding a small baby that had bright green hair and a button nose. Harry was the first to jump up and exclaimed "Teddy!" Mrs Weasley carefully transferred the baby into Harry's arms and Teddy gave a giggle as his nose touched Harry's damp, tear-soaked shirt. Harry sat on the floor next to Hermione and Ron and cradled the tiny baby. They passed the baby around and soon everyone had held the adorable laughing Teddy Lupin Tonks and moral seemed to boost until he started crying. He cried and cried in Mrs Weasleys arms. They all were distressed thinking the same thing, Teddy wanted his parents. But they were gone. Forever. Harry took Teddy back out of Mrs Weasley's arms and cradled him until he finally fell asleep all while tears trickled down his face. He stayed cradling Teddy for an hour when Teddy awoke. He looked up at Harry and suddenly he had blood hair and a lightning shaped scar on his forehead. They all giggled.

"He wants to be like his godfather." Hermione said though a small smile. Teddy then looked at Hermione and sprouted long bushy brown hair the scar disappearing. "Oh!" Hermione laughed. Teddy then looked at Ron and his hair shrunk and turned bright orange while freckles spawned on the bridge of his nose.

"Just like us." Mrs Weasley said in a quiet voice. She took a deep inhale then looked to Harry. "Harry, you are his guardian but of course Arthur and I would be more than happy to take care of little Teddy while you are at school and help you out when you are not. We would be delighted to help you raise him but it is completely up to you."

"Thank you, I would love for you to help and I think I'm really going to need it!" Harry said, wiping his tears and smiling at the kind offer that had been made. "And- maybe- um- well- if you don't mind- would it be alright if I stayed at the Burrow until school starts next year? I just don't think I can face Grimmauld Place for a while."

"Of course Harry! And that will make it easier to take care of this little one." Mr Weasley said tickling Teddy's tiny toes. Harry thanked him and Mrs Weasley generously.

"Now then all of you, we have been through an awful lot today and we need some rest. Bill, Percy, Charlie and George, there have been beds made for you in the Gryffindor Tower so you can sleep there. Arthur and I will be staying in Minerva's spare room tonight after we help the teachers so if you need anything, including you two," She said looking at Harry and Hermione, "you know where to find us. Goodnight." She and Mr Weasley went round kissing each of them on the forehead or hugging them then left to go help in the Great Hall.

"Ok you lot, let's go up or mum will kill us all!" Bill said taking charge and making them all smile.

"Um Bill, would you mind if Harry, 'Mione and I talk for a bit. We'll be up soon!" Ron asked hopefully.

"Of course but not for too long ok?"

"Ok." And with that the rest of the Weasleys left for the Tower.

Once they were out of earshot they all stood up again. Suddenly Hermione slapped Harry. "How could you do that Harry? You made us all believe you were dead! I thought there was a dementor when I saw you in Hagrid's arms! How could you do that to us? Why didn't you even tell us your plan?" Then Harry told the story from the Pensieve to Neville to Kings Cross and then Narcissa all through to when Hagrid emerged from the Forbidden Forest holding him. Although he left out the resurrection stone, it felt too personal.

"Bloody hell mate!" Ron exclaimed once Harry had finished recounting the story.

"Why didn't you tell us what you were doing though?" Hermione questioned.

"I knew that I wouldn't be able to go through with it if I had to say goodbye." Harry responded quietly staring at his feet. They stayed quiet for a moment but then Harry grinned. "There is something even more important we need to talk about!"

"What?" Hermione and Ron chorused confused.

"You guys kissed earlier!" They blushed bright red and stared at the floor. "So are you guys a thing or...?"

"If Hermione wants to be, I would love her to be my girlfriend?" Ron said quietly blushing an even deeper scarlet.

"I would love to be Ron! Oh!" Hermione responded quickly, jumping into his arms and started kissing furiously. Harry felt a pang of longing thinking about Ginny and how much he wanted her to be his girlfriend. He forced a laugh to break his best friends apart.

"Come on lovebirds, let's go up to the tower."

The Aftermath (Harry Potter fanfiction after the war)(discontinueed)Where stories live. Discover now