Chapter One

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"Lou, can you wake him? I'm gonna get us each some fruit for breakfast

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"Lou, can you wake him? I'm gonna get us each some fruit for breakfast." Michael whispered.

"Yeah ok." Gently shakes Zayn. "Hey Zee? You hafta get up now ok?"

"Mmnh." Stretches. Eyes still closed, "Ok."

Waits. Gets dressed, sees that Zayn is still asleep. "Zayn. Get your lazy ass up." Takes blanket off of him.

Grunts. "Ok, ok. I'm up," he said.

Michael walks in the room with an apple in his mouth and two apples in his hand. "Modmf."

He hands one to Louis and the other to Zayn. "That's the only fruit they have."

Zayn chuckles. "Alright."


"Niall, wake up."

Calum shakes him a little. "You good bro?" No answer. "You don't even want breakfast?"

Niall's eyes open. "Breakfast? Yes please."

By now he is out of bed and is just in jeans.

Calum just chuckles to himself, "I don't know why I try." He grabs a shirt and walks downstairs. "Do your parents not care that everything is spread around?"

"Mmh. They aren't around a lot." Finishes his food. "Hey Cal, you hungry?"

"No I already ate at my house." Offers Niall's shirt. Niall grabs it.


"Mhm. Now off to get Luke and Ashton!" Both run out to the car.

**when both groups are at school**


This school is pretty big and it looks to me like I'm not gonna fit in well with the other students. No shocker there though. I mean, if you looked around, there are too many groups that I wouldn't like to be in.

Michael looks at me. "Over there you have the goths..... (points to another group) The cheer squad.... (motions) Punk group.... (stops in his tracks) The popular kids.... And then there is us. (turns around) The outcasts."

"Not to mention the teacher's pet group and the smarts outcast," Zayn piped up. "They could join our group, but they think we are worse than them." He shrugged it off.

"We are worse than them?"

"Yep but who cares?" Michael practically yelled, gaining strange looks from everyone.


"Hey who's that?" Harry asks, motioning to Michael and Zayn with some other kid.

Liam Payne looks up from his school work. "That is Louis Tomlinson." When he got confused stares from us all, he stated, "The new kid?"

Like we're supposed to know that?! But he is kinda cute though. All of the sudden, I was drawn from my thoughts.

"Tomlinson!" Harry yelled.

The new kid looked at him and whispered to Zayn. He looked at Harry in concern but walked away. What did Zayn tell him?

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