Chapter Nine

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Louis woke up either crying or screaming about three or four times last night. He would cling onto me and cry. Once, he kept repeating "don't go". The whole night, he wouldn't let go of me unless he wanted Zayn or Michael.

Zayn walked into the doorway of my room. "Is he ok?"

I nod. "Yeah. He's just sleeping right now."

He nods. "Ok." Before he walked out, he whispered, "Thank you."

I decided to let Louis sleep a little and headed downstairs. Seeing Luke, Ash, Zayn and Michael awake, I decided on making breakfast.

"Are you two early birds?" I asked when breakfast was done.

Both shook their heads.

"Why're you awake then? I mean it is pretty early."

Zayn sighed and just glared, something he does when we're around asking them questions.

Michael looked at me, "Long story."

"Morning," Ashton said.

I looked to where he said it and saw Louis looking tired. He quietly sat down between Michael and me. Reaching under the table, I grabbed his hand.

"You ok?"

He nodded and rested his head on Michael's shoulder. The whole breakfast, his hand never left mine. Louis looked tired. Really tired and I don't know why he had those nightmares. It would be nice to help him more. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Picking it up, I saw the ID. It was my dad.

"I have to take this. I'll be right back."

Louis looked at me and nodded. Zayn took him and Michael to the living room as I walked out back.


"Hey son. We're headed home. See you when we get back tomorrow."


Louis was quiet. That isn't normal for him.

"Wanna talk about last night?" Mike asks.

Lou shakes his head.

I looked at him. "Wanna talk at all?"

He shakes his head. It hurts me and Mikey when he gets like this. We understand, but it just hurts a little.

"Lou just promise if you feel like hurting yourself, let me know."

He nods and rests his head on me.

Rubbing his arm with one hand, I reach for Michael with my other hand. "C'mere. Snuggle."

He hides his face and I feel his smile. Louis watches this happen then closes his eyes. I see Niall looking at us. Jealousy is written on his face for some reason. There's a hint of sadness as he is talking to Harry.

"Hurts," I hear a little mumble.

I look at Louis. "What hurts Lou?"

"Everything," he said in a small voice. There was pain in his voice as he continued. "I-I had nightmares."

"It's ok mate. You'll be ok," I try.

He shakes his head. "The worse ones," he whispers.

Mikey adjusts so he can hold his hand. "We're here for you Lou. Always."

Louis was quiet.

"Lou. We will always stay," I told him, kissing the top of his head. Mike kissed the back of his hand.


I heard someone clear their throat in the kitchen. Louis and Mikey were nearly asleep before. Three people leave the house as Niall walks up to us.

"Cal, Luke, and Ash are heading home. You three are welcome to stay as long as you need."

"What about Harry?" I quietly ask.

"He's going to stay and help take care of you three."

I nod understandably, feeling a body shift.

Then I heard Louis mumble-whisper in pain, if that is possible, "Niall."

Niall looked so worried. "I'm here."

"I think," I took a breath, "I think you should take him."

He looked at me. "Are you sure?"

"Uhm. Yeah, he wants you."

A little spark lit in his eyes. Niall carefully lifted up Louis bridal style, Louis cuddled against his chest.

Lou looked up at him. "Kisses?"

I was shocked. Great another reason to hate Niall if he hurts my brother.

Niall gave him a kiss. "Anytime."


Harry walked in the room.

"I'm gonna take-"

"Just go mate."

"Harry is with you both ok?"

They nodded. These boys don't talk much. I lay Lou on my bed when we walk in the room. His eyes were shut like he was in pain.

"Everything alright babe?"

"I-it hurts."

I layed down next to him and kissed his face all over. He tugs at my jacket, trying to cover himself up with it as well. So, I took off my jacket and handed it to him.

He looked at me unsure, and I explained, "I have enough. But even if I only had one, you could wear it anytime."

He smiled. "Thanks." He's quieter when he talks.

"What happened to your face?"

He looked at me, scared. Then he shook his head rapidly.

"Ok babe. It's ok. Shh. Shh. You're ok."

"I-it h-hurts Niall." He's full on sobbing. "I-I'm so so s-sorry."

"It's ok... Hey Lou look at me.. Look at me babe, you're ok. Don't apologize. Please don't ever say sorry for being hurt. You never have to do that."

He sniffled. "M-Mr Heckler b-beat me."

I stared in shock mixed with anger and concern. "Oh Louis I'm so sorry."

He shook his head. "Not your fault."

I held him closer and kisses him. Rubbing my hand up and down, I tried soothing him. Pretty soon, we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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