Reality Check

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"Get me a nurse stat the patient has woken up out of her coma!"

"My God Eric! Where's Eric? I need my boyfriend. What am I doing here? Why am I bruised so badly? Why, why, why," I screamed.

"Calm down Miss Horton. You were in an unbelievably bad car accident. You just came out of a coma, calm down please."

"Is my boyfriend okay? Tell me, where is he?"

Miss Horton you were the only person in your car there were no passengers."

"Okay, okay where is my phone? I need to call him and let him know I'm alright."

"Miss I'm not sure if you had a phone but I'll go and get your purse out of the locker and you can see."

"No, I don't want to hear that shit my iPhone was in my purse last I remember now get my shit!"

It took them about an hour to finally calm me down. I lay strapped to the bed drugged up and out of my mind. I was completely lost not able to think about anything or anyone but Eric. Then The doctor came in to sit beside my bed.

"Oh my God, when did I get in a wreck doctor?"

"Saturday night. Well let me rephrase that Sunday morning at exactly 4:09 AM. You were headed north on Ocala street going home I suppose when you ran the red light on Tennessee street. You were driving 60 mph over the speed limit and slammed into a vehicle with a Samantha Rivers in it coming from her 3rd shift job. You did what we like to call t bone her. You're lucky to be alive."

Tears began to build because I knew I was driving drunk. And it was all her fault.

"She survived, didn't she? Where is she? Is she hurt badly?"

The doctor could not even answer he just shook his head looking down. My hands flew to my face instantly as I cried out loud.

"Excuse me Nikki Horton. I am detective James A Carlson and this is my partner Debi Bane. We got a whole lot of questions to ask you. So, wipe the tears, calm down and try to remember what all happened that night because the more you tell me the better it will be for your sake. You are in a shit pile that is neck deep and I am going to try to help you out as much as I can. So.... what club did you go to?"

The realization hit me like a semi-truck, "Damn it was all a dream!"

***This is totally for entertainment purposes only please always practice safe sex, know your partner and get tested regularly and absolutely never, ever drink and drive. It could cost someone their life.... not excluding yours***

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