Aardvark Town

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Chris, Solara, and Martin were cruising the African savannah looking for creature burrows.

All was well until they came across a mud wallow.

Martin thought they were going to clear the jump until Chris activated the glider feature on the Createrra, allowing them to clear the landing.

"Aw, come on, Chris!" Martin groaned playfully as they continued driving. "We could've made the landing."

His twin sister laughed and said, "I don't know about you, Martin, but I'm not really in the mood for getting stuck in mud wallows yet. We can play in the mud, later, after we map out all of the creatures that live in holes on our master map."

Chris chuckled and added, "You're right, Solara."

Before they could go any further, one of the tires got stuck in a burrow!

"Uh oh! Do we have time to fix a tire?" Martin joked as he backed the Createrra out.

"It's okay, Martin. At least you found our first hole." Solara pointed out, trying to cheer up her twin brother.

The three siblings got out of the Createrra and decided to find out just who was living in the burrow.

"Hello? Anybody home~~" Martin called into the hole, only for the three of them to get a faceful of dirt.

"Gritty!" "Muddy!" "Sandy!"

"Who's that digger?" the three siblings asked in unison.

What came out of the burrow answered their question.

An aardvark and her baby!

"An aardvark!" Martin said as he recognized the creature.

"And her baby!" Chris added.

"Aww, he's so cute!" Solara cooed as she skated over to the burrow.

"Eclipse, this is a great way to start out our burrow hunt. Almost nobody even sees the aardvark and her baby." Martin told his younger twin sister.

"Whoa, guys! Check out the claws. Front paws scoop the dirt out, back paws push the dirt away, and the tail scrabbles the dirt flat. And the claws are so thick that they don't break ." the second eldest Kratt sibling informed.

Now it was time to inform the crew of their first burrow.

"Come in, Tortuga HQ." Chris called into his creaturepod.

"Any luck with the burrows, guys?" Aviva asked after she answered the call.

"Great luck! We've just come across an aardvark and her baby. And another burrow is being built right now! Sending the coordinates now."

"We've got it, Chris!" Aviva replied after the coordinates appeared on the master map.

Koki, on the other hand, was confused.

"Okay, so this is a hard what?" she asked in confusion.

Solara lightly laughed and corrected her.

"Aardvark. It's an aardvark." she explained while chuckling.

"Got it. Aardvark. Never heard of it." Koki replied pulling up a real life image of an aardvark digging a burrow.

"Even though they're nicknamed 'earth pigs', aardvarks are actually more closely related to elephants," Chris informed the group. "With claws as strong as a pickax."

Jimmy Z was amazed. "I never knew fingernails could build a house!" he said while admiring his nails.

All this talk about aardvarks and their digging power was giving Aviva a great idea for a new creature power suit.

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