Chapter 14

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Max: you were flirting with other people.

Tul: Max

Win: now he is jealous.

Singto: this is how all the mess start

Tul: I came back to you.

Boun: it was too late.

Prem: you should've just kissed him

Tul: you don't think I did?

Saint: kisses work all the time.

Plan: it should be blows for you, not kisses

Krist: are you blowing each other now?

Max: the BL world is heavy

Saint: @Plan what do you mean?

Plan: you are always blowing each other on camera

Zee: blowing air

Earth: you almost gave me a heart attack. Please let's finish our sentences.

Saint: don't mind him

Earth: Back at Tul. Did the kiss happen off cameras?

Fluke: friends with benefits! I said it.

Singto: y'all are not so innocent after all.

Bright: again, a kiss is nothing.

Plan: can you please just stop. We don't really need that right now.

Win: I'll ask again since we didn't have a clear answer. Max are you attracted to Tul?

Max: very much so.

Tul:☺️it goes both ways.

Fluke: I wish everyone were like this.

Ohm: you wish everyone were gay?

Max: I'm not gay but I'd smash Tuls ass any day.

Tul: I'd smash your ass.

Max: my ass too big for your small D.

Tul: you've seen me naked you surely know how big I am.

Krist: should we leave them flirting like this?

Saint: on behalf of everyone. Yes.

Max: you ruined it.

Tul: it was going smooth.

Fluke: I just like how in sync MaxTul are.

Ohm: are we not in sync?

Fluke: you'd never say that to me even in joking.

Earth: @Fluke you'd never make that joke

Fluke: I'm afraid of straight guys.

Ohm: you don't mean that.

Plan: if he said it, he meant it.

New: it sucks to have nothing to confess.

Gulf: who kisses better between Earth and Tay?

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