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I give up,

I can never let go of you,

Am sad,

So sad,

I'm into it too much.

I'm begging it to come back ,


It's never coming back,

Am all alone,

No more me and you.

I love you.

I miss you.

I spent a whole 5 years with it,

I can't just look back and say,

"It's over

I've forgotten every memory we shared"

No it's not possible,

Having to say that one word,

Kills me,

I wanna go back.

Who am I kidding?

Am never letting go,

Am deep into it,

I found my real self there,

The person I really am,

Not the forced smile,

Not the fake laugh,

Yet I left you,

Who am I kidding?

Saying I had let you go,

I can never let you go,

No one can make me feel how you made me feel,

It's like am the only one in this world now,

No mum,

No dad,

No siblings,

No friends,

No you.

All alone,

Am missing you so much,

It hurts me,

It pains me,

I miss you,

I love you,

All the memories with you,

All the fun,

The laughter,

My so very embarrassing moments,

My sad moments,

You had always been there for me.

But you're no more there.

I miss you,

I love you,

So much,

I can't let go,

I'm so sad,

Please come back,

I wish I could come back,

But I can't,

I miss you,

I've been thinking suicidal,

Without you,

This life is boring,

I'm blank,

All the money in this world,

Can never be equal to you,

All the love in this world,

Can never be equal to yours.

I miss you,

I love you,

I wish to come back,

I wish to be with you once more,

But I can't.


Who am I kidding?

I can't kill myself,

Cuz of the big guy upstairs,

Don't wanna go to another hell,

Even though this life without you,

Is equal to hell,

I pray everyday,

I look up to him every day,

Every morning,

Every night,

With one thing in my mind,

When I wake up,

When I sleep.

Just one thing in my mind,

I wanna come back to you,

Without you,

Am breaking,

Am shattering,

Am hurting,

Am fading,

Am going through life in a blur,

My only source of running away from reality,

Reading and writing?

Who am I kidding?

It's failing,

It isn't working anymore,

It's not having it effect again,

I'm so sad and pathetic,

I can't run away from reality any more.

I can't stop thinking of you,

I can never let go,

I can never tell you,

That word,

Three letters,

One syllable,

One vowel,

Two consonants,


And there you have it guys.
Am so down.

What about me for today?

My middle name is Elizabeth....but I don't like it so I prefer just calling it Lizzy cus that's much cooler.

What's yours?

Still ya author Liz,

I love you guys,


In The FeelingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang