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"So, you never told me where you were from."

Hermione froze for a second, but hid it behind choosing another liquorice wand from the huge pile of sweets Harry had insisted on buying for them from the Lady With The Trolley. Her dentist parents would definitely not approve of so much sugar in her diet, but they might permit it if they knew Hermione was sharing the diabetic feast with her future love.

And this show of generosity had only brought that future a little bit closer. At this rate, Hermione fancied she'd be in love before leaving the train!

But such musings were something best left for analysis later. For now, Harry's question was still hanging between them ... and it took all of Hermione's will not to blurt out her complete truth.

"I'm from Oxford," she eventually replied, biting off the end of the liquorice wand.

"Where all the Universities are?" Harry asked. "I bet it's really grand there."

"Do you know it then? Have you been?" Hermione asked, curiously.

"No, but I've seen pictures," Harry explained. "To be honest, I don't know very much at all about the world. I spent ten years living underground, see."

"Yes, I read about that," Hermione nodded. "What was that like? It was dark, I bet."

"A bit dark, yeah," Harry agreed. "I mean, there were hundreds and hundreds of lights everywhere, but it wasn't like up here. When I first saw real sunlight, which was only about a year ago, it stung my eyes so badly, I cant tell you!"

"Wow. Was that the first time you'd seen it, then?"

"That I can remember," Harry replied. "I suppose I must have seen it when I was a baby, but I don't remember that. I'd like to see Oxford, though. Maybe you can show me one day."

Harry suddenly flushed scarlet, as though worried he'd overstepped his boundaries. Hermione just smiled at him.

"Yes, alright," she returned softly. "Best do it either when it's really sunny or really snowy, though. All the old buildings look their prettiest like that. And I can show you all the famous colleges, if you like."

"Yeah, I would like!" Harry blurted out enthusiastically. "If you don't mind playing tour guide, that is!"

"For a friend I wouldn't," Hermione grinned, colouring a little herself. "I can show you the one I always thought I'd go to."

Harry blinked at her. "Did you have it all mapped out, then? Your future, I mean."

Hermione had to hold her tongue again. This was so hard. "Yes, I sort of did. I was always quite good at school, and I enjoy studying. A lot. So I always supposed I'd just finish school, then go off to University after that. It's just what people do, isn't it?"

"I ... I don't really know," Harry mumbled, fidgeting awkwardly. "I never really knew what I was going to do. I didn't expect it to be like what other people did, but I didn't really think much about it beyond that. I just thought it would sort of happen ... then I'd deal with it when it did. That makes me sound stupid and lazy, doesn't it?"

"No, of course it doesn't!" Hermione disagreed fiercely. "You had a very unusual start in life, so you cant be blamed for not thinking about so-called normal things. And just look at us now - I planned, you didn't, but we're in the same spot. It'll probably be easier for you because you're prepared to go with the flow. But this is very much against the flow, for me. I really don't know what to expect."

"Are ... are you afraid of that?" Harry asked gently, sounding surprised. Hermione gave him the impression of a girl who simply took things logically and in her stride. Being worried about something didn't suit her. And, for some unfathomable reason, Harry found the concept of Hermione Granger Afraid such an abhorrent one that he felt a bizarre urge to draw his wand and duel it. How odd.

An Opus Alchymicum Vol 2: The Witch-Consul's RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now