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"Here ... this is for you."

Harry, blushing madly, took the very carefully wrapped little parcel from Hermione. He looked up at her with terribly shy, but hugely grateful, eyes. It was the first gift anyone from outside his family had ever gotten him, and though he knew he should respectfully refuse it, the fact that it was Hermione who had bought it for him made Harry want to accept it more than anything in the world. He was desperately excited to know what it was.

But he still had to pretend to be coy.

"Y-you didn't have to get me anything," Harry stuttered.

"I know I didn't," Hermione returned brightly. "But I wanted to. As it was your first Quidditch win, I thought we ought to commemorate the event appropriately. So, are you going to open it then?"

"Can I?" Harry asked cautiously.

Hermione laughed. Harry had a tendency to be distractingly cute. Hermione was always sent into a spin by it.

"Of course you can, silly! Otherwise it wont be much of a present, will it?"

Harry supposed not. He took the package in trembling fingers and carefully unpicked the Spellotape that sealed the wrapping paper together. He was potently keen not to tear even the slightest bit of it. Eventually, after what seemed like a painstaking eternity, Harry unveiled a subdued pink sheet of crystal, with an embossed logo at the centre. It was something he recognised, even if he wasn't entirely sure what the object was.

"The Weird Sisters!" he hushed reverently, smoothing the logo covetously. "I love them!"

"I know," Hermione reminded him. She grinned knowingly at Harry's confused expression. "But you have no idea what this is, do you?"

Harry blushed shyly. "Um ... no. But it's very pretty ... whatever it is!"

He added the last bit as a slightly desperate afterthought, which just made Hermione giggle harder still at his efforts to satiate her. She was inordinately pleased that he was so considerate of her feelings, and it sent a warmth rushing all through every inch of her.

"It's okay," she placated, tapping Harry's knee consolingly. "These aren't common. But, to clarify - I bought you a Q.U.E.S.T."

"A quest?"

"Yes. A Quartz Unique Engraved Signed Tablet," Hermione explained. "The Weird Sisters offer them in their merchandising magazine. Quartz is a great recorder of energy you know, especially sonic vibrations. It makes them ideal to record audio signals on. So, on this tablet you'll find a private recording of their latest songs, plus a personalised message. Do you like it?"

Harry's eyes were alight with fire. "Like it? I love it! Thank you, Hermione!"

Then Harry reached over the sofa, where they were sitting, and hugged Hermione deeply, until someone - probably a Weasley twin - wolf-whistled at them and they broke apart, coquettishly embarrassed.

"Will ... will you listen to it with me?" Harry asked quietly. "Not now, with everyone around, but later ... maybe when it's just me and you?"

Hermione turned more scarlet than Harry's Quidditch robe, but nodded in agreement. It was all she could do, as words were lost somewhere around her rapidly beating heart. Harry grinned in thanks and they both slunk back to opposite edges of the couch to gather their furiously fluttering thoughts.

It was now a full week since Harry had inspired the Quidditch victory over Slytherin. And, as it was the first victory in seven years, the Weasley Twins had insisted on seven nights of parties, this being the seventh, to properly do the thing justice. Harry and Hermione had commandeered the old two-cushioned loveseat in the quietest corner of the raucous Common Room that night, where they had been discussing the curious inscription on the Golden Snitch Harry had caught, before Hermione had surprised him with her impromptu gift.

An Opus Alchymicum Vol 2: The Witch-Consul's RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now