#5: Almost Die Of Hypothermia

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I tried to get my backpack out of my locker, but it was stuck.

"Yoooo, you got it in though!" I heard Matt say behind me and burst into laughter, with his strange Hawaiian accent that he picked up over the summer.

I smirked. "That's what she said!" I mumbled into my locker. I grabbed the strap of my backpack and finally yanked it out, almost hitting Matt in the face.

"It's so big!" he gasped and continued with his hysterical laughing. 

I couldn't help but join in as I put my stuff in. I grabbed my science binder. Oops. Chelsea. "Dude," I said to Matt, " I can't walk home with you and Carter today."

He stopped laughing. "Why? You got yourself a girl already?"

"Yeah," I said, before I even realized what I was saying. But I didn't correct myself. I was cool with fake-dating Chelsea even if she was acting like a bitch toward me. Matt stared eagerly at me, silently asking who it was. "Um, Chelsea. From our homeroom."

"Connor, she's hot!" he exclaimed. Then he spotted another cute girl and followed her down the hall. I shrugged and took my phone out of my pocket, realizing I should tell my family I wasn't going to be home for a while. I texted my mom as I walked out the door. 

It was pouring icy rain and the air temperature seemed to have dropped about 20 degrees since the morning. Yet I still walked quickly to the parking lot and tried to find Chelsea. I continued shivering. Why didn't I bring a damn coat? I said, mentally face-palming myself. 

By the time Chelsea actually came strolling out of the school with her umbrella, I was soaking wet and about to die from hypothermia. 

Chelsea squinted at me. "Um... you could've just waited inside..."

That hadn't even occurred to me. I tried to say something back but all that came out when I opened my mouth was a series of animal-like sounds. She gave me a disgusted look and suggested we get in her car. 

"Wh-where are we g-going...." I managed through my shaking lips.

"To my house to work on that essay, obviously...."


"And can you, like try to not get my seats wet," she said glancing at the seat I was sitting on as she turned her car on.

"S-sorry, next time I'll tell the r-rain to hold off on falling on me wh-when I stand in it," I told her, rolling my eyes.

She rolled her eyes right back and drove to her house. 

We approached a larger-than-average house that wasn't big enough to be classified as a mansion after a few minutes of sitting in silence.

"Is that.... your house?"

"No, that's why I'm pulling into the driveway."

I had to admit, I admired her sarcasm. 

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